F-Secure Ultralight Hoster slows down my computer

misi67 Posts: 2 New Member



the F-Secure Ultralight Hoster process comsumes a lot of disk-resources, so everything else is very slow. It takes a long time to start any application.


Is there a way to stop that?



  • nanonyme
    nanonyme Posts: 145 Path Finder




    the F-Secure Ultralight Hoster process comsumes a lot of disk-resources, so everything else is very slow. It takes a long time to start any application.


    Is there a way to stop that?



    That process essentially is F-Secure Antivirus. Most likely either database is being updated or your system is being scanned. Does this happen frequently?

  • M_Northstar
    M_Northstar Posts: 1 New Member

    That's the F-Secure automatic system scan, I think. If it bothers you, either reschedule it for some other time, or turn off scheduled scans and do it manually whenever you are going to be away from the computer for a while. You can change the settings for automatic scans under Tools - Scan Settings - Scheduled Scans (at least I assume that's what the options in question are called in English, my version is in Swedish).


    Unfortunately, I don't think there is any way to turn off the scan mid-progress, except by killing the process from the Task Manager. That's my biggest complaint about F-Secure: there is no interface for the user to control, monitor, or even be aware of, scheduled scans running.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    @M_Northstar wrote:

    That's the F-Secure automatic system scan, I think. If it bothers you, either reschedule it for some other time, or turn off scheduled scans and do it manually whenever you are going to be away from the computer for a while. You can change the settings for automatic scans under Tools - Scan Settings - Scheduled Scans (at least I assume that's what the options in question are called in English, my version is in Swedish).


    Unfortunately, I don't think there is any way to turn off the scan mid-progress, except by killing the process from the Task Manager. That's my biggest complaint about F-Secure: there is no interface for the user to control, monitor, or even be aware of, scheduled scans running.



    Sorry for my reply. I am also only F-Secure user (their home solutions).


    Just as sidenote: it is possible to 'cancel/stop' scheduled scan by enabling Gaming Mode (currently).

    While it is not work with 'context manual scan'.

    If scheduled scan process is about scanning large/zipped/packed file -> Gaming Mode should be enabled certain count of time. If not - enough some seconds. Then it is possible to 'disable' Gaming mode (rightclick F-Secure tray picture -> Gaming Moder under menu).


    Also, recent changes with Scheduled scan are pretty good. For example, "Recent events" should be with visible strings about 'launch' and completed/canceled states; and there is certain tweak option for less performance impact.

    In fact, there are many feature requests on subject (as example):


  • andymc123
    andymc123 Posts: 1 New Member

    Same thing is happening to me.  Each day when I wake my PC (I rarely shutdow, just have it sleep) the Disk usage is maxed out by the F-Secure Host Process with a sub process called "F-Secure Ultralight Hoster".  It seems to take anywhere from 10-15 minutes before I can even open a web browser.


    I set antivirus scans to happen at 3 am.  Does F-Secure not wake my PC to perform, or is this some other kind of definitions update maybe?


    Doesn't seem to "Ultralight" if it consumes 100% of disk resources.

  • nanonyme
    nanonyme Posts: 145 Path Finder


    I don't think the product wakes your machine to scan but instead scans later when the machine wakes up

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Sorry for my reply. I'm also only F-Secure user (their home solutions).


    I think that it should be possible to check if it is 'scheduled scan or not' by "List of Recent Events" (and start-point flyer should be visible at launch).

    For Windows platform: https://help.f-secure.com/product.html#home/safe-windows/latest/en/close_scan_wizard-safe-windows-latest-en


    Maybe your experience is about something like such discussion (since your experience about 'sleep mode' and not about restart system or even shutdown):



    While it is not an explanation, but as potential reason (for except if "definitions update" take too much unexpected resources and time).



  • Hankki
    Hankki Posts: 2 Observer

    For me it's not disk resources. At first it use whatever CPU is available, usually arount 60% of 8-core 4 GHz AMD FX-8350, and around 2 GB RAM, I have 16 GB and total usage about 50%.

    Could your disk usage be swap-file if you don't have enough RAM, for me 0% disk usage.

  • misi67
    misi67 Posts: 2 New Member



    there's only one way to work with my computer: turn off f-secure. After that everything works in an aggreable way and speed. I've started my computer some minutes ago and the most disk usage was from f-secure and I have to wait until I can start only a simple browser. Sorry, that's not for what I've paid for.

    And is this your thought for supporting a problem? A forum, where other users canguess what it might be, but there is no help from the company directly how to do to solve this problem?

    I have bought this software for many years but now, it's time to change this.


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    @misi67 wrote:

    there's only one way to work with my computer: turn off f-secure. After that everything works in an aggreable way and speed. I've started my computer some minutes ago and the most disk usage was from f-secure and I have to wait until I can start only a simple browser. Sorry, that's not for what I've paid for.

    And is this your thought for supporting a problem? A forum, where other users canguess what it might be, but there is no help from the company directly how to do to solve this problem?

    I have bought this software for many years but now, it's time to change this. 



    Sorry for my reply. I'm only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).


    There is option to receive official and certified support by F-Secure:

    chat as example. With addition as fsdiag (https://community.f-secure.com/t5/Common-topics/How-do-I-create-an-FSDIAG-file/ta-p/18190) -> possible to investigate situation and to find certain explanation or some fixes.

    I feel that this Community is not like a forum (even most of forums are community in fact).

    But, yes, there are quite active official F-Secure Staff with their responsibility area. And probably most of topics can be with tries to perform 'silent' internal investigation. But direct ask for Support their official support channels may boost up situation.


    Also, as part of discussion -> maybe good to know your system/hardware configuration.

    I've started my computer some minutes ago and the most disk usage was from f-secure and I have to wait until I can start only a simple browser

    And does it with known count of minutes? I mean how long it was not possible to start use system with expected view (or start a browser)?


    With my recent experience (laptop is not used some weeks) -> it was possible to launch browser immediately. With maybe two(?) minutes of system launch as ability to see shortcuts/logos of desktop; and with some 'lags' during use later (unknown count of time - since I did not surf speedy).



  • Hankki
    Hankki Posts: 2 Observer

    Since my last reply 2 months ago I read some other posts about this and with the W10 "soft" power off it seems to trigger this behavior. I changed so it turn off the computer completely and got rid of this. The downside of course is that it takes a little while longer to start the PC.

    The effect is the same when you restart the PC, it has been completely turned off and then it doesn't trig the hoster.


    Quote from https://www.howtogeek.com/349114/shutting-down-doesnt-fully-shut-down-windows-10-but-restarting-it-does/

    "To disable Fast Startup, head to Control Panel > System and Security > Power Options > Choose What the Power Button Does. Click the “Change settings that are currently unavailable” link at the top of the window, uncheck the “Turn On Fast Startup (Recommended)” option under Shutdown Settings, and then click the “Save Changes” button."

  • RoberGeenPaniek
    RoberGeenPaniek Posts: 8 New Member

    I always prefer to have control about updating processes because it is really annoying to be slowed down by some unannounced process, especially at start-up, and of course the more resources it consumes the more annoying.

    Now what makes F-secure stand out is the euphemistic name 'Ultralight' Aquarius Updater (or something similar). I do not not know how bad it was previously, but it certainly is NOT 'Ultralight'.

    So start with renaming it to something more realistic, to avoid extra irritation.

    And preferably let ME be in charge. Just NOTIFY me and let ME press a button to start the actual update process.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    @RoberGeenPaniek wrote:

    I always prefer to have control about updating processes because it is really annoying to be slowed down by some unannounced process, especially at start-up, and of course the more resources it consumes the more annoying.
    Now what makes F-secure stand out is the euphemistic name 'Ultralight' Aquarius Updater (or something similar). I do not not know how bad it was previously, but it certainly is NOT 'Ultralight'.
    So start with renaming it to something more realistic, to avoid extra irritation.
    And preferably let ME be in charge. Just NOTIFY me and let ME press a button to start the actual update process.



    I'm only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).


    It should be called as "F-Secure Aquarius Update".  

    Aquarius is 'main' traditional signature-based core (with improvements and enhanced features). One of features is "on-the-fly' updating signatures by small portions (is not required to download, for example, full size of database ~540Mb of current size + increasing size of fresh additions EACH time when updates/signatures are published; and with requirements to 'offload' security solution and load it back); on current days - it is pretty common feature and maybe with not so 'cool' sound (how it was at first). It is even not with Gbs-size (as it was before such 'design' of engines); by using generic detections and some optimisations.

    And Ultralight is not about traditional engines probably. Other parts start be more 'lightly' indeed.


    With my experience -> F-Secure Aquarius Updates is only 'updates' which I noticed by unexpected 'overload' or by 'something goes strange' (as too delay with actions).

    But I think that main trouble is 'background' backup previous updates_build to fresh_build (what if updating is crashed - so it will be possible to revert back previous good state). Or something like this.

    Not really updating/downloading/installing.

    Also, there is 'one hour' between auto-checks for updates. And if any of updates are available -> downloading is triggered.

    I think that if we do 'postpone' some updates (or do not launch system days) -> 'piece' of updates start be much more 'larger' and it will take more resources to install it (compared to 'installing' it by small pieces as part of autoupdating as soon as possible).


    But there is ability to 'deny' downloading updates by "Gaming mode" - possible to use it as workaround (until some changes).


    Sorry for my reply.




  • Boxersteavee
    Boxersteavee Posts: 2 New Member
    My PC just turns on easily with and I 5 processer and 16GB of ram with a terabyte of disk space and even my laptop is fine with a pentium D on windows 10 with 2 GB of ram and 1 terabyte of disk space except it is always on about 50 percent disk on desktop 5 minutes after boot and about 75 percent CPU. One thing that does work smoothly is Minecraft at 39 fps
  • Boxersteavee
    Boxersteavee Posts: 2 New Member
    My laptop is not affected much as it is a pentium processer with 2GB of ram and 1 TB of disk and does not spike much on boot also I have a gaming pc that is absolutely fine as it has a i5 processor, 16 GB of ram and a terabyte that is normally on 1 or 2 percent CPU, 4 percent disk that is also 1TB and does not spike much even when rendering YouTube videos for my channel. BTW check it out on YouTube. It's called boxersteavee gamer43 and I play Minecraft and Roblox and am planning on doing twitch soon
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