how to change my f-secure email?

glauri37 Posts: 1 New Member

Hello, I am in the process of losing access to my current email address, and am changing all the services I use to a new one. How can I change my f-secure email? 

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  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    You will need to PM one of the forum admins, and they will change it for you. Try @Ben .
  • Mapleclove
    Mapleclove Posts: 5 New Member

    What does it mean to "PM" a forum admin? I need to change my e-mail for both "My F-secure" and "F-secure Community".

    @Simon wrote:
    You will need to PM one of the forum admins, and they will change it for you. Try @Ben .

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    PM means to send a Private Message.  You can do that by clicking the link to Ben I provided, however, I note that he's not been on the forum for two weeks, so he may be on holiday at the moment.


    I have to be honest, I'm not sure which of the other forum admins (Administrators) are around, but I'll try to get one of them to respond here, or they may contact you privately.



  • Mapleclove
    Mapleclove Posts: 5 New Member

    @Simon wrote:

    PM means to send a Private Message.  You can do that by clicking the link to Ben I provided, however, I note that he's not been on the forum for two weeks, so he may be on holiday at the moment.


    I have to be honest, I'm not sure which of the other forum admins (Administrators) are around, but I'll try to get one of them to respond here, or they may contact you privately.



    Thank you! I am not perfect with abbrieviations. I sent a private message to Ben.


    I heard (from another post) that my "F-secure Community" e-mail cannot be changed, but I still want to see if I can change the "My F-secure" e-mail. Otherwise, I might have to re-create my "My F-secure" account under the new e-mail. It is not fun when you have to re-create your account all because of a new e-mail. And, I would not even be able to immediately re-create "My F-secure" because my current one still acts as the place where I can, if necessary, re-download the software I purchased for this one-year term. I hope I can at least change the e-mail associated with "My F-secure". If not, then I suggest F-secure fix this problem.


    We will see what happens. I hope to get a response from Ben or someone else soon.


  • Hi @Mapleclove,


    It is possible to change the email address for your My F-Secure account. Please get in touch with our support team by opening a support request.


    However, as  Ben has mentioned in this thread, it is currently not possible to change the Community email address.

  • Mapleclove
    Mapleclove Posts: 5 New Member

    @Laksh wrote:

    Hi @Mapleclove,


    It is possible to change the email address for your My F-Secure account. Please get in touch with our support teamby opening a support request.


    However, as  Ben has mentioned in this thread, it is currently not possible to change the Community email address.

    Thanks for clarifying that, Laksh.


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