FIS 2012 -- longer shutdown problems



Well, everyone is aware of this problem with the 2012 products. Is there a temporary fix for this? Or will I have to wait for another year for the company to fix it?




Windows 7 SP1 x86

FIS 2012

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  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 432 Superuser


    not sure what your problem is, but if this happens during shutdown it is a bit more tricky to track.

    Please reboot your machine into safe mode, so that F-secure is not active. This will keep the information in %F-secure%\anti-virus\fa.log unchanged.


    Please create a copy of fa.log (e.g. fa.log.bak) and reboot the machine.


    Please post the first lines from fa.log.bak here, maybe we find something. (please note the timestamp when you downed your system).



  • Hexo
    Hexo Posts: 240 Active Engager

    Hey, i know your problem. It the same as i have.

    Normaly my system will shutdown in about 5 sec (thanks to my ssd Smiley Happy ) and with the version 2012 of F-Secure my System needs about 40 sec. 


    In the "event Viewer" of windows you will finde an "- EventID 7043 " (maybe if you got the same problem.


    I have reported this some weeks ago to F-Secure and they found a solution for the problem (i tested the beta of this fix) and they will release the fix in the next weeks. So this problem i only temporary ^^

  • That's good to know, as my trial version is going to expire in 20 days, hopefully it will come in an update soon so that I can see an improvement as far as that issue is concerned. (my shut down is approx. 30% longer now with the Suite installed) Otherwise, it's been a good software so far.  Smiley Happy


    SSD drive, I'm jealous, Hexo. Smiley Wink

  • The problem is still there. I can't believe that.

  • Hexo
    Hexo Posts: 240 Active Engager


    i have read in an other forum, that the patch will be released soon.

    The shoutdownlenght isn´t really a big problem so i think, that the priority is on other issues.

  • Nothing is going to happen. Forget it!

  • Janiashvili
    Janiashvili Posts: 454 Adventurer

    Hello FarGuddu,


    There might be 2 reasons, when first is anti-virus from F-Secure. Thing is, that FS AV is 24/7 scanner, it scans all the time, when it boots, when you insert thumb drive, when you open any file, but unlike most of other AVs it scans all the time you restart OS(when other AVs save information about those files and don't scan next time). From one point it is very good, as long as if particular file appear to be malware it FS will detect it(when other AVs will think it is "good old known file" until you manually rescan it.), from another point it's potential slowdown.


    But there is another reason, which usually takes 40 seconds on all machines. Which I guess you have, if you have to check if you have that, do so:

    Please check performance issues in event viewer, to do so, go to "Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Performance Information and Tools\Advanced Tools" and open "View performance details in event log".


    Check if you have warnings and errors, especially if you have messages about application PreShellInit(I'm not really sure about name - i'm from another machine), time will be around 40 seconds.


    I have very same problem. and problem is not at windows start or exit itself, problem appears at login/logout(when drivers and services start functioning).

    I have 2 OSs installed, and one loads in 30 seconds(Win Server 2008 R2, but it has most of services disabled as default), another with FS loads in 2 minutes.


    I've found two particular ideas about it while sufring the web. first what I've got is, that that problem appears with pirate Windows 7, I guess cracked one(when you crack one). And another idea is, which is at the same time fix for it, is that not all drivers are fully compatible with your system, thus those who sayed they got that problem, have updated particular driver(some said motherboard driver, other NIC driver, other one said audio card driver, so as it seems any not fully compatible driver may cause this problem) and then this problem was solved.


    So my advice is to just update all drivers for any kind of hardware with especially for Windows 7 written driver(most drivers for oldered hardware are written for Vista,  and were renewed after the release of W7, so W7 on its own delivers you drivers written for Vista).


    But at the same time my concern is, that as long as you know, FS installs drivers(many other AVs don't), and they may be not fully compatible with Win7(fully I mean 100%, not 90% or 95%).


    I can't really solve this problem because my system is pretty oldered, was new high-end custom PC five years ago, so there's no big need to renew all parts, however not all drivers were renewed after 2008, monitor even has not any driver at all(works as basic PnP monitor), maybe just those which came with CD.


    So what i've found about that login slowdown had two types of endings on forums - one was with last post "What I have seen same problems were only on pirate OS..." and another ending was "I have updated driver for xxx hardware and it's solved now, thanks for help".



    So it's basically on developers side now update FS drivers

  • It's a problem with the 2012 products only. I have been waiting for a fix for such a long time without any luck. Seems like the developers don't give a d-a-m-n about us.

  • Janiashvili
    Janiashvili Posts: 454 Adventurer

    but still try to check it

  • Hexo
    Hexo Posts: 240 Active Engager


    it seems the Firewall Deamon Service got a little bug, so that the Service finished correct while the tries to shut down.

    After Windwos killed hte Service, the pc shutdown correct.


    I am really shure that F-Secure has found the bug and will fix the Suite soon.

  • Hexo
    Hexo Posts: 240 Active Engager

    Mhh. I wonder where the patch is...

    Any informations about the release of the patch?????


  • Hello,


    i have this problem too.


    I use Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 x64

    FIS 2012


    SSD: OCZ Vertex 2 120 GiByte


    My shortest issue description:

    It's takes so long for shutdown.




  • celavey
    celavey Posts: 34 Observer

    I switched from 64 back to 32bit. I couldn't believe that it has been fixed because of that. So absurd..image

  • Janiashvili
    Janiashvili Posts: 454 Adventurer
    this solved by only this?!

    F-Secure, you're joking!
  • RedBrain
    RedBrain Posts: 2

    Aaaahhh, thanks for the software update!

    This solved my shutdown problem for ever!



    Don't be angry about him. Smiley Wink

  • nayan007
    nayan007 Posts: 41 Observer

    Thank you for the update,it too solved my problem



  • BigPete
    BigPete Posts: 42 Observer

    I still notice that FSIS 2012 "hangs" during shut down. Specifically, a window pops up and says that the "DLL Hoster" is not responding -- window gives you the option of terminating the process manually. Wondering if anyone else still has this problem?


    System Info: Windows XP Pro SP3 (32 bit); FSIS 2012

  • alconsvr
    alconsvr Posts: 26 Observer


    "I still notice that FSIS 2012 "hangs" during shut down. Specifically, a window pops up and says that the "DLL Hoster" is not responding -- window gives you the option of terminating the process manually."




    I have exactly the same problem. Time to shutdown was anything up to 5 mins. Installed UPHClean from Microsoft and the shutdown is back to normal. Still get the DLL Hoster message but kill it.


    Just add this issue to all the others. Can't believe this is the same software team that wrote IS2011/2010 etc


  • BigPete
    BigPete Posts: 42 Observer

    OK - at least I'm not the only one with this problem.

  • BigPete
    BigPete Posts: 42 Observer

    @alconsvr wrote:


    "I still notice that FSIS 2012 "hangs" during shut down. Specifically, a window pops up and says that the "DLL Hoster" is not responding -- window gives you the option of terminating the process manually."




    I have exactly the same problem. Time to shutdown was anything up to 5 mins. Installed UPHClean from Microsoft and the shutdown is back to normal. Still get the DLL Hoster message but kill it.


    Just add this issue to all the others. Can't believe this is the same software team that wrote IS2011/2010 etc


    I just installed UPHClean. F-Secure DLL Hoster message still appears at shutdown.

  • alconsvr
    alconsvr Posts: 26 Observer

    Big Pete said: I just installed UPHClean. F-Secure DLL Hoster message still appears at shutdown.


    Did UPH Clean make the shutdown time quicker?

  • BigPete
    BigPete Posts: 42 Observer

    @alconsvr wrote:

    Big Pete said: I just installed UPHClean. F-Secure DLL Hoster message still appears at shutdown.


    Did UPH Clean make the shutdown time quicker?

    Not for me. For me, the shutdown length depends on whether I kill the error message(s). If I kill the messages, shutdown happens immediately after the message(s) disappear. If I let the messages resolve on their own, it usually takes 30 seconds to a minute until shutdown occurs.

  • nimbystripes
    nimbystripes Posts: 12 Observer

    Sounds like a new virus for F-Secure don't you think? I got one as well. Every time I close the message, the system will crash in a second. image

  • BigPete
    BigPete Posts: 42 Observer

    I just upgraded to Internet Security 2013. The shutdown problem is still there. On shutdown, a window pops up saying that "DLL Hoster" is not responding. I have to click "OK" to kill the process. I thought this would have been fixed by now.


    Running Windows XP Pro SP3

  • Janiashvili
    Janiashvili Posts: 454 Adventurer
    maybe time to go to (at least) Windows 7?

    Just saying....
  • BigPete
    BigPete Posts: 42 Observer

    Janiashvili wrote:


    "maybe time to go to (at least) Windows 7?

    Just saying...."





    Thanks for the suggestion, but that really doesn't help anything. This is a cross-platform problem. On Jan 24, 2012, RedBrain complained of the same problem in Windows 7.


    And even if the problem wasn't cross-platform, you don't agree that software should work properly in all supported OS's?


  • Janiashvili
    Janiashvili Posts: 454 Adventurer

    It was joke, forgive me please if I offend you;

    Yet, it should work properly in all supported OSes, that's why it is Supported
  • BigPete
    BigPete Posts: 42 Observer



    No apology necessary, although I appreciate it! Your comment didn't offend me. Just a misinterpretaion on my part.

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