Can I change program from the old computer to the new one?



Can I change program from the old computer to the new one?

I have a lisence for three computers and I was ranovating

lisence for two more years.

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  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    Yes. Providing the subscription is still valid, when you install F-Secure on the new computer, it will give you the option to move an inactive license from another device.

    If you're using SAFE, you should be able to install onto the new computer from your portal:
  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    Nik just best me to it! Smiley Very Happy
  • stkpvi
    stkpvi Posts: 2

    Thank you very much. It`s done now.

  • norman
    norman Posts: 2

    I have got a new computer which was running Windows 8. I was asked to update this to Windows 8.1, which I did. Since then I can't find if all the F-secure system is running as it should. Can somebody please tell me what to do thanks  

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    If in doubt, probably the easiest first step is to reinstall F-Secure, and see how things go. If you need help with that, do let us know. :)
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