Help us improve!

Dear All,

we're planning to make some changes in the F-Secure Community in the nearest future.

We'd love to hear your suggestions on how we could improve.

What kind of experience do you expect from this Community?

What features are you looking forward to?

What kind of content would you welcome here?


Tell us! Let's make this place even more helpful and enjoyable!


  • Janiashvili
    Janiashvili Posts: 454 Adventurer
    I think it'd be good, if F-Secure(company) somehow forced its partners and clients to use this community... What it lacks is only user group
  • Hi Janiashvili!


    Thanks for your feedback!  This is something we are working hard to achieve.  We are actively encouraging our partners to participate in the Community, and I think you will be seeing an increase in activity from that end in the upcoming months Cat Very Happy 



    F-Secure Community Manager

  • Nobody
    Nobody Posts: 2 Observer

    Don't require a login to get feedback (posts to this question), your having an issue with communities and they have no motivation to register to yet another site that in their oppinion does not function. This is the number one fault most companies do, they imagine their product is judged by their users while in reality it is judged excatly by the opposite (non-users). If I have constructive feedback about your anything and just want to pass it along I sure as hell wont register just to type a message that I dont need ever again.


    I know the situation presents a challenge (not a problem) but that is for you to solve, shouldn't have lost contact to the community in the first place, but then again your in a unique opportunity to gain new momentum through lessons learned.

  • Nobody
    Nobody Posts: 2 Observer

    And it deserves recognition, thank you for defaulting Privacy Settings to No one.

  • Janiashvili
    Janiashvili Posts: 454 Adventurer
    Hi, can you do the following: link the "Accept as Solution" to Kudos button?
    I mean, "Accept as Solution" to give you +1 kudos
  • Hi Janiashvili!


    It's a good suggestion, but I'm not sure if it's possible to implement.  I'm looking into it :)


    // Chrissy

  • Hi,


    A question/proposal: is the Rating feature really used or needed? I see the Rating column in the message listing view but haven't see any post rated so far. This Rating column takes quite much of the page space and if it is not used, why not to remove it altogether.

  • Janiashvili
    Janiashvili Posts: 454 Adventurer
    What do you exactly mean? I haven't seen any rating column...
  • Janiashvili
    Janiashvili Posts: 454 Adventurer
    By the way, can you make Facebook to connect to my F-Secure account?
  • Please take a look at the attached screenshot.



  • Janiashvili
    Janiashvili Posts: 454 Adventurer
    How does one rate the topic?

    I guess that should be removed at all
  • Hi Janiashvili!


    When looking at the Rating column, we also couldn't quite figure out how to actually use it!  Since I don't think it would have added much value anyhow, we decided to remove it rather than explore the feature in greater depth.  Thanks for your suggestion!


    // Chrissy

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    I'm sure this has been asked before, but can we have a permanent log in option, so that members don't have to keep logging back in every time they leave the forum and want to come back to make a quick reply?  I have enabled the cookie in my browser for this forum, but I still keep having to log in.





  • Hi Simon!


    Yes, this has been asked before, in fact it is probably our most requested feature!  Unfortunately, as I understand, the login is so integrated into the rest of the F-Secure website that it cannot be controlled separately through the Community settings on our end.  We have escalated this to our general web team, and we hope it can be implemented soon, fingers crossed!


    // Chrissy

  • Blackcat
    Blackcat Posts: 503 Influencer

    For Home Security, I would split the Windows, Mac and mobile threads into separate sub-divisions. It would then be easier to find information out and helpers/mods would not have to ask what version of F-Secure they are using which some new users do not even state initially. Moreover if possible, by year version as some of the older posts cannot be relevant now.


    It would also be good practice to head each sub-division with important topic headings such as how to  Install the software(remove previous AV), how to uninstall(link to uninstall tool), where to download the latest product, how to seek support, where to send possible malware/false positives, how to obtain and send a log of your system etc.


    Most of the above information is within the Forum but it is all over the place. It sometimes takes me a long time to help a new user as I have to search and then look at the relevant posts listed. These "stickies" need to be written by a F-Secure person and should be at the Top of each Forum so new users can see them straight away and see the solution.

  • Hi @Blackcat , those are really valuable suggestions, thanks.

    It's going to take some time before these improvements are implemented, but be patient, changes will happen.

This discussion has been closed.