Malwaretips website not analyzed yet?
Did something happen where Malwaretips is showing as not being analyzed yet, by Browsing Protection? It used to be, using Chrome and Edge. I know I can submit it, but it just seems odd that it at one time was, and now isn't (at least as far as I remember)? I believe that site has been around since 2010.
F-Secure Total v19.6. Chrome and Edge are up to date.
TIA :)
Accepted Answer
Thank you for your reply :)
Over the last year as far as I remember that site was not in need of being analyzed, but always had a green check mark next to it for a Google search and for the website itself? It's a well-known site across the world, I probably shouldn't have to resubmit that, should I?
I tried a reputation reset as well, with no change.
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