Import from KeePass 2.57 fails

OblivionFendral Posts: 2 Observer
edited March 3 in Device Protection


I just wanted to setup my F-Secure Vault and import my password database from local KeePass 2.57.

First: There is no Database → export → csv. It is just possible Via File→Export (see screenshot).

The possible extensions are, CSV for KeePass 1.x and XML for KeePass 2.x.

The fun part is with Vault, that only supports CSV, with KeePass 2.

I tried both formats, both formats fail. And say: review the log. I created an fsdiag export with the support tool - but this is so huge and so many log files. What is the correct log file? Why does this fail?

Honestly, I really do not want to add 200 passwords by copy paste…



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