Hello community, to block this DNS LEAK, you just have to block this process with a firewall:
C:\program files\f-secure\total\fsnifweb\1715672042\fshoster64.exe
F-Secure plugin hosting service (fshoster64.exe)
It works, non DNS LEAK anymore.
Amazon AWS and F-Secure
Maybe there's been no follow-up replies recently because this was "answered"? Maybe because they're still trying to straighten things out on their end, fine tuning things so they can reply with that information? I'm trying to give them a benefit of a doubt in that regard.
I would just like more information on how this partnership with Amazon benefits us, as paying customers. If it makes the searches better, more secure (url cloud host reputation) etc? If it helps on F-Securer's/WithSecure's end, then I'll be okay with that.
I sill have faith and believe in F-Secure, as I bought a single user license for Internet Security for one of my home business PCs about 3 weeks ago (along with my already multi device Total Subscription).
Ok,choice is yours..
Let's hope that the F-Secure management team and the new service manager will also read this column and take into account the comments and considerations from this community as well when preparing the service and sales strategy in the future.Digital security and privacy for consumers can be even better..
In hoping for an eventual reply to my above post :) I just thought I'd check things on my end as far as with Total 19.5 and Mullvad VPN. At one time, the AWS servers were not showing up in Mullvad as far as DNS leaks, but that seems to have changed. AWS seems to be a part of everything, no matter what VPN I use? Just thought I'd mention it :)
Hello :)
I've been following this thread on and off, and was just wondering what good thing did you all do (F-Secure engineers) on your end to resolve this, at least in my case? :) :)
I too, was getting the AWS Ireland servers while using IP Leak and DNS leak tests, even while using a VPN. In my case, I am no longer getting the multiple amounts, none, of AWS Ireland servers in those searches and tests. I used Chrome and Brave browsers, up to date.
Even without the VPN enabled, it's just showing my ISP provider, and not multiple AWS Ireland servers along with them. Whatever you did on your end, thank you :) :)
This was confirmed on 3 different Windows PC's, two being Windows 10 and the other Windows 11. I would now consider installing F-Secure Internet Security back onto my other notebook PC.
Thank you again, F-Secure, for providing me with a light weight, easy to use and navigate, and in providing a bloatware free Internet Security AV :)
We were able to optimize the system on AWS side so that it uses now more passive feed detection to analyse sites. This means that it does not need to make so often DNS queries so leak tests don't usually see them from AWS. We may have to add active analysis back at some point in future, so this may again change then.
F-Secure R&D, Desktop products
It doesn't sound like they shut it down, but just maybe tweaked it? If they can use the Amazon AWS service for our benefit, for better online, surfing protection through and by Amazons infrastructure, I'm okay with that. It was just annoying in seeing all those servers previously in my searches. So for now at least for me, out of sight (AWS servers) out of mind :)