Is it just me or is the VPN insanely slow ?

Youkai Posts: 6 Explorer
edited January 15 in Privacy VPN

I am trying to watch crunchyroll from Japan trough a VPN in Europe but no matter which Server I try I only get about 1mbit at best when doing a speed test while being connected to any of the European servers ....

The Asian ones are like 20mbit which would be sufficient but don't work with crunchyroll.

its the only thing I need the VPN for but like this I can not even watch 360p -.-V

Also doesn't matter if I use the freedom vpn or the total security and vpn :/

Accepted Answer



  • Youkai
    Youkai Posts: 6 Explorer

    Just tried is using Turbo VPN (free) and got 20mbit ....

    I'd assume that a paid service would get me at least the same results if not even better :/

  • marmab
    marmab Posts: 46 Moderator

    Hello @Youkai

    Welcome to the F-Secure Community. We thank you for your post. We are currently working on fixing this issue. Regardless of the subscription being free or paid the connection speeds should be as you are currently experiencing.

    When attempting to browse the internet, please could you try using the Firefox browser and let us know if there is any eleviation of the current issue.

    Please bear with us as we are currently working on a fix for this issue.

  • Cotr
    Cotr Posts: 1 Observer

    First day with the new app. Painfully slow at least here in Finland. Furthermore I had to uninstall the old freedome manually or else neither of them worked.

  • Youkai
    Youkai Posts: 6 Explorer

    I use Chrome and Firefox on my laptop and chrome on my phone but its all the same ...

    If there is an issue on your side it wouldn't make sense it it was only with a specific browser oO

    The VPN tunnel just seems super slow, guess either your servers have some trouble or your ISP doesn't give you enough upload speed for all your users...

  • Firmy
    Firmy Posts: 2,076 Community Manager
    edited April 2024

    Hello @Youkai @Cotr

    As mentioned by @marmab earlier, our team is actively investigating the issue. In the meantime, we recommend using Firefox as an alternative browser.

    To assist us further in diagnosing the issue, we kindly ask you to run some diagnostic commands while the VPN is connected and the issue is ongoing. Here are the commands to run:

    curl -v -6 -o NUL
    curl -v -4 -o NUL
    nslookup 2001:4860:4860::8888
    tracert -4
    tracert -6

    And report what those commands print.

    Additionally, you can try disabling IPv6 temporarily to gather more information. Here's how to do it:

    1. Open the admin command prompt and enter:
    reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip6\Parameters" /v DisabledComponents /t reg_dword /d 255 /f

    2. Reboot your computer.

    3. Check if the browsing issue persists on Chrome or Edge. Please note that this may slow down OpenVPN connection establishment, but it should not affect IKEv2 connections. We'd appreciate your feedback on whether this helps resolve the issue or not.

    If you need to re-enable IPv6, use the following command and reboot your computer:

    reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip6\Parameters" /v DisabledComponents /t reg_dword /d 0 /f

    Thank you for your cooperation and patience as we work to resolve this issue. We look forward to receiving your feedback. Have a great day.

    Community Manager | F-Secure Community
    🔐 Strengthening digital security through knowledge and collaboration
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  • JOnes
    JOnes Posts: 834 Forum Guru

    In situations like this, it would be nice if the investigation and its status could be monitored and checked
    a) following the entire announcement queue (new option in
    b) by following the status window

  • Youkai
    Youkai Posts: 6 Explorer

    No idea what you did ... for a second I was worried that I am an idiot user talking crap BUT actually on my Laptop there is only Firefox installed and no chrome at all, on the phone I used chrome yes.

    But before on m laptop even using firefox the speed was ridiculous now I get 45mbit down and 15mbit up which is more then enough to watch my series.

    Kinda doubt that it had anything to do with chrome as it was definitely 100% the same in Firefox before.

    Anyways it seems to work well again so whatever :/

  • @Firmy

    Done, disabled the Kyber support flags option in Chrome and will give it a go over the weekend.

  • Sim0n
    Sim0n Posts: 6 Explorer

    Done and happy to report the vpn is now working as expected for now.

  • JOnes
    JOnes Posts: 834 Forum Guru

    Still waiting for the stable version(without any browser setting changes) for F-Secure Total &Vpn

    • Windows 11, Windows 10 version 21H2 or later, Windows 8.1
    • macOS 12 (Monterey) or later
    • iOS 16 or later
    • Android 10 or later
  • Mike-North
    Mike-North Posts: 11 Enthusiast
    edited May 2024

    This fixed my connection problems on win10 + brave and chrome.

    EDIT: What is funny is that the VPN has been slow and dropping off for quite some time now. But this chromium feature was rolled out on 16th of April -24. ???

  • Sim0n
    Sim0n Posts: 6 Explorer

    So any news on the fix and not the workaround?

  • Rockyrider
    Rockyrider Posts: 15 Enthusiast

    This is still ongoing, The VPN is painfully slow and most times will not connect to the web page ?.

  • LandoMando
    LandoMando Posts: 1 Observer

    @Rockyrider did you try disabling "TLS 1.3 hybridized Kyber support" as mentioned in the Accepted Answer above?

  • Rockyrider
    Rockyrider Posts: 15 Enthusiast

    I did thanks and yes, it is better.

  • arnes
    arnes Posts: 1 Observer

    VPN is still very slow. Occasionally it's better, but most of the time I have to switch it off.

    Speednet results:

    • VPN off: 766/60 Mbps
    • VPN on: 345/56 Mbps

    With VPN download is 50% slower. Not acceptable. Chrome and TLS 1.3 hybridized Kyber support disabled. If it was only speed I could live with this, but connecting to sites takes too long and get http errors.

  • Youkai
    Youkai Posts: 6 Explorer

    Wow how do you even get that speed.... using firefox I get ~1mbit if I am lucky ... also ping of 400 using firefox.

    Might be because of my Location in Japan connecting to Europe ?

    also admittedly even without the vpn I only get like 10-20mbit in my flat :/

    But I also have to turn it off to watch videos as well if I want more than 360p, luckily it does work on crunchyroll on the website (doesn't work with the app as the stream stops when disconnecting the vpn)

  • ClaudeD
    ClaudeD Posts: 29 Contributor
    edited May 2024


    It's been over a month since F-Secure VPN had issues due to TLS 1.3 hybridized Kyber support with Chrome, Edge,…
    This problem is still not resolved.
    In addition, no news is given regarding the progress of the resolution of this problem.
    This is very disappointing.

  • Sim0n
    Sim0n Posts: 6 Explorer

    Welp, this is a prime example of sofware companies taking a reliable working product (freedome vpn) which had all the features i needed, can't talk for everyone but it suited my needs, and replacing it with something that is quite cumbersome to use and breaks all chrome based browsers and no further comments from any of the mods/devs regarding an eta of a fix.

    For that reason i have cancelled my automatic subscription and will be seeking out a new vpn after my subscription ends.

  • TVC15
    TVC15 Posts: 85 Path Finder

    Disabling TLS 1.3 hybridized Kyber for Edge, still seems to be the case. Webpages pretty much load instantaneously, compared to it being set on default.

  • TimppaKo
    TimppaKo Posts: 6 Explorer

    F-Secure Total VPN eats 30-70% of my download speed when using phone (Redmi Note 9 Pro, 4G).

    When I us e computer via router, the loss is only 10-30%. 4G, same operator DNA and they cannot explain this.

    Last spring everything was OK but some update in the summer made this worse. I'm not gonna continue my F-secure order when this ends.

  • TVC15
    TVC15 Posts: 85 Path Finder

    Or, do what I did, and get F-Secure Internet Security (I also added Password Vault) and buy a stand alone VPN.

    I'm not sure if there were any improvements to the VPN, other than cosmetic with the recent release of v19.7?


  • TimppaKo
    TimppaKo Posts: 6 Explorer

    There ids no updates available. At least not in Finland.

  • Youkai
    Youkai Posts: 6 Explorer

    No idea if its because of the latest update or because of something else but today again nothing works …. like when I start the VPN not even google loads …. or well sometimes it does load bit it takes a very long time -.-V its completely unusable like this.

    Sooo annoying, I don't need all the other crap (deactivated everything) but have to have everything installed and the only one thing I need doesn't work or is insanely slow most of the time :/

  • Gerald05
    Gerald05 Posts: 9 Explorer

    F-secure VPN becomes unusable by being too slow and keeps disconnecting. The lack of communication and a fix - not a workaround - is far from reassuring.

  • Tiseg
    Tiseg Posts: 1 Observer

    I don't know what the programmers at F-Secure are doing, but F-Secure VPN can no longer be used with Firefox.

    Almost no website opens anymore. No speed problem at all without F-VPN. The integration into the app was not necessary either. On the Fat, the link from Freedome on the desktop was completely sufficient.

    Since the remaining components of F-secure are also only satisfactory in tests, it's time to cancel the subscription and look for something else. It's a shame, I've done very well with F-Secure for a long time.

  • TimppaKo
    TimppaKo Posts: 6 Explorer

    Same opinion with Tiseg. My licence stops in December ans I think I'm not gonna renew it. Must search other programs. Firefox has its own VPN. Maybe I'll give it a chance.

  • JOnes
    JOnes Posts: 834 Forum Guru

    Except of planning new shoppings,have you read the VPN notice on the frontpage of community and made the changes to browser settings as needed ?

  • TimppaKo
    TimppaKo Posts: 6 Explorer

    What notice? I've found one concerning Firefox and it didn't help.

    Please instead of telling there is something to try give a link.

This discussion has been closed.