FS Protection PC 19.3 releases

Ville Posts: 725 F-Secure Product Expert

Release 19.3 beta 1 (5.4.1071):

New features:

  • Trusted shopping statistics are visible in the main user interface, under Secure Browsing subpage.
  • Configurable appearance of trusted shopping popup under Secure Browsing > Trusted shopping settings. You can, for example disable the safe (green) popups and have the product warn you only when the shopping site has questionable or bad reputation.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed issue with UI not remembering position if close to edge (PBL-11986)
  • USB device scan prompts no longer stay in history (PBL-11985)
  • Incorrect VPN captive portal detection (PBL-11767)

Known Issues:

  • There is unnecessary feature introduction page after installation.


F-Secure R&D, Desktop products


  • Ville
    Ville Posts: 725 F-Secure Product Expert

    Release 19.3 beta 2 (5.4.1431):

    New features:

    • Login required task is now blue and features requiring login will show "Login"

    Bug Fixes:

    • There is no feature introduction page after installation
    • Miscellaneous small fixes


    F-Secure R&D, Desktop products

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser


    Sorry for my comment. I want to ask about some points (and they probably are not directly related to 19.3 beta 2 - but I only noticed them today).

    FIRST one: still with 19.3 beta 1, I tried to dig about some things around Banking Protection feature and tried to open some 'related' websites and trying some routines. Today (after receiving 19.3 beta 2) - I found an event(s) in Recent Events (Events History) about specific URL (which I tried to open/use as a check against being blocked or not blocked while in Banking Protection session) dated to those tries. It is called as something like "suspicious page modification" is detected at URL. In Windows Journal marked as sp.evt.nif2.ols.page_modification.

    May I ask - what should it be? Protection against / for multiple redirects? Protection about something like 'exploits"? Something else? I mean, what this type means?

    As such, the page itself was not accessible. Just a blank screen. No any pop-ups by F-Secure or blockpages from F-Secure. So, completely silent event.

    And as I tried to look about this specific URL - as I think - there are, at least, three redirects to final destination (at the same domain, though). Which are looks like prevented. But maybe I will try play late with that too.

    SECOND one: my fs protection installation setup was with enabled/active Debug Logging (in the Settings). However, today I noticed that it is off.

    Is there any reason for this? As I think, it happened after the update to fs protection 19.3 beta 2.

    Is it still better to turn it on? Or is it now for more exceptional cases?

    THIRD one: are there any changes regarding Password Vault? The point to ask is because I've been keeping Password Vault in a pretty tricky state for the last couple updates. In brief: some months before - I played with switching from F-Secure ID Guardian to fs protection current app's Password Vault. Then deleted FSIDG and after some playing with fs protection's Password Vault - decided to clear it all and start from scratch (by using related feature in UI).

    Then, however, I noticed a welcome screen about and Task about configuring Password Vault. I decided to dismiss it (with 'remember the choice' option) and keep it like that as a check about potential re-appearing Task-trouble.

    So, any time I tried to access Password Vault - there was a WelcomeScreen (introduction/onboarding screen). So, I just went off each time and that's it.

    Now, with beta 2, if I went off (or decided to look further) - I see the login screen. With a view that 'there is already in use storage'. Which I figured out about masterpassword and even QR code recovery. However, I am not sure from where it is stucked.

    I managed to erase it (in UI) to create another one. Then to erase it (like starting from scratch feature) - but it is even again back to 'original' stucked one instead of recent bogus.

    Probably related to the days when I manually deleted storage (in regards of "broken sync" feature and dismissed ID from backend information).

    as such, I do not feel about it as about huge trouble - but I think it is differ from beta 1 (or previous betas). I don't remember being greeted by the unlock screen (after removing ID Guardian and clearing Password Vault). But now some of the old storage (and which, indeed, is empty - but the masterpassword is known and the once created QR Recovery code is accepted) will show up in the Password Vault as an option to use.


  • Ville
    Ville Posts: 725 F-Secure Product Expert

    Hi @Ukko

    Can you report the first and third item as bugs as normal with fsdiag. We need to investigate them more to determine what is happening.

    The second issue is caused by change so that 64-bit components read logging settings from 64-bit registry while 32-bit components read them from 32-bit registry. After update you have mixed settings, 32-bit registry is debug while 64-bit registry it not set (default). UI prefers 64-bit registry in mixed case so it shows it's not enabled. Please turn it off and back on again and UI should configure both registry locations correctly.


    F-Secure R&D, Desktop products

  • FS-Jouni
    FS-Jouni Posts: 29 F-Secure Product Expert

    Release 19.3 beta 3 (5.4.1562):

    Bug Fixes:

    • fsnifweb 1.0.222 does not install in beta (PBL-12132)
    • Tasks icon color in navigation bar fixed for dark mode (PBL-11378)
    • Clicking on ID Monitoring option in Side menu During 'login' mode leads to infinite spinner (PBL-12103)
    • Vault requires UI to close and reopen to proceed with onboarding (PBL-12097)
    • FSDiag reports Windows 11 23H2 as Windows 10 (PBL-12093)
    • Password vault is showing Login where as it should show get started (PBL-12090)
    • UI says all browsers are protected, even though one is not (PBL-12088)
    • Dashboard card can scroll under navigation bar messing up UI (PBL-11979)
    • Hovering background effect added to Help icon (PBL-11117)

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser


    sorry for another feedback. I just do not know if it worth to report as a bug (since similar things were reported yearly and maybe it is yet again such a situation).

    It’s been a couple of days now, maybe a week or a bit more. Temporarily, one or another resource (I don’t know for what reason and which ones specifically) becomes blocked as uncategorized/unknown-content/unrated (I use this category as part of Content filtering / Content blocker of Family Rules). Then, at some point they become available again (minutes, hours, something else). Mostly I notice this with the most frequently used Google Search main page (google.no) or Wikipedia. There may be other examples. Sometimes more than one at once, sometimes just some specifically.

    For example, right now - it is Google.no; Also, Google.is; But, for example, Google.dk is not blocked. I actually did not do anything compared to a fifteen (or so) minutes before last access. And, it is not pinned to browser or certain browser's cache.

    It is a bit of an 'annual' situation - because happens every 'six' months? or maybe once a year? but it usually lasts a couple of months.

    I am not sure that this is related to "fsnifweb 1.0.222" - because the first cases happened before this. And, I think, with my device - recent NIF Web 64-bit was with "installed" status right after receiving. And I did not notice any indications of not being installed (if it is possible to see).

    However, maybe I do suspect my trying to clear up "Reputation cache" via settings. Maybe the first one of current situations was after this. But.. perhaps, I did try to clear up Reputation cache because of this 'situation' at the first place.

    Another thing:

    Also, this new server (used for Updates too) f-sos.net is "uncategorized / unrated / unknown-content" too. I do not think that this is related to mentioned situation, but it is just was always like this. This 'categorization' did not affect receiving updates (somehow) - but I felt it with login pages and other places where CSS is stored on that domain. As well.. as trying a recent beta free tool on website (was impossible because of 'blocked' in background f-sos.net by my set-up).

    As I remember - I tried to report it, both, by BP extension's menu and via F-Secure SAS. Not quite recently maybe, but months ago. I do not think that it was 'rated' and just now backed to 'unrated' (I mean, "uncategorized/unknown content" category in Content filtering system).

    Thanks! and sorry for the length.

  • Ville
    Ville Posts: 725 F-Secure Product Expert

    Hi @Ukko

    The beta 3 + NifWeb changed the URL reputation lookup server to a new one. If you see issues with rating, please report them as bugs through normal channels.


    F-Secure R&D, Desktop products

  • FS-Jouni
    FS-Jouni Posts: 29 F-Secure Product Expert

    Release 19.3 beta 4 (5.4.1604):

    Bug Fixes:

    • Fs protection 19.3 beta 3 install failed (PBL-12154)
    • Upsell missing feature handling (PBL-12122)

  • FS-Jouni
    FS-Jouni Posts: 29 F-Secure Product Expert

    Release 19.3 beta 5 (5.4.1605):

    Bug Fixes:

    • Main UI crashes when clicking "Set up" button on Secure Browsing card (PBL-12176)

  • Hello,

    Should the VPN module have installed? It did not on my Windows 10 and 11 PCs yesterday. I have the option to download Freedome from the F-Secure beta portal, but that only shows for a 5-day trial then a purchase option. I am in the US, v 19.3 beta 5. With my 19.2 versions, the VPN is installed and active.

    Thank you :)

  • Ivan_Osipov
    Ivan_Osipov Posts: 80 Former F-Secure Employee

    If there is a task card and you go to the related view, this task card keeps showing and popping, covering other elements (i.e. the Protection history title). Does it work as it should?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited February 3

    Hi Ivan,

    On my end, no Tasks are shown to be completed, and all the browsers have a green check mark. It appears to be working correctly. I had installed the beta from the email download link sent to me when I was approved to be a beta tester.

    Each PC had its own download installer, it wasn't shared. I now uninstalled Total from this PC, looking for leftover folders deleting the temp folders, and re-downloaded the installer, just in case something happened the first time. Same result, no VPN module installed. v19.3 beta 5 (5.4.1605.0)

    Just in case this helps:

    Is there a different beta download link I should try?

    Thank you :)

  • Ville
    Ville Posts: 725 F-Secure Product Expert

    @siramic the VPN module is only enabled for a small group of active testers since the traffic costs can get quite high. If we would ebable it for all beta users, we would have to force the speed to be so slow that it's not usable for video streaming.

    @Ivan_Osipov Yes, feature view will now show smart tasks related to it also inside the view as a "floating" task. You can dismiss the task if you don't plan to complete it and it will disappear then. There is further work ongoing with the feature views, so this will change at some point again.


    F-Secure R&D, Desktop products

  • @Ville thank you for your prompt reply. I understand, and will keep running the beta as is :)

  • Ville
    Ville Posts: 725 F-Secure Product Expert

    F-Secure TOTAL PC 19.3 has been released to production. We want to thank all beta testers for feedback and we will soon continue with 19.4 beta.


    F-Secure R&D, Desktop products

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser


    You can switch off Ad blocker for a specific website. To switch off Ad blocker, select the Browsing Protection by F-Secure icon in the browser toolbar and then select Ad blocker is on.

    Is this also available in beta or is it only included in the stable version for now?


  • Ville
    Ville Posts: 725 F-Secure Product Expert

    We had some technical issues and that functionality has not yet been published to production. We are working on it to get it out for all browser extensions.


    F-Secure R&D, Desktop products

  • Urmas
    Urmas Posts: 68 F-Secure Employee

    Hello everyone,

    The 19.3 project is over, 19.4 releases will be announced at https://community.f-secure.com/en/discussion/127858/fs-protection-pc-19-4-releases.

    BR, Urmas