F Secure leaves others in the 1980s!

Initially had Panda installed on my new laptop for a year.
Even a deep scan found nothing suspicious so carried on using the laptop totally unaware that three trojans were on my hard drive!
I installed f secure last week and within minutes it flagged up the trojans (js) and moved them to the quarantine.
Now i know whyit is called F Safe- the F stands for Feel!
Hello- Unfortunately F- Safe (as well as other AVs) cannot remove viruses within the .PST folder- which is where outlook stores all your emails- unfortunately the folder is locked and not accessable. F-safe will tell you the folder is infected BUT cannot do anything to remove it.
You can however click start on your PC and then search and type MRT to launch Microsofts own malicious removal tool.
Select full scan and it will locate the infected email and clean it.
Infected folder-
- Items scanned: 1
- Harmful items found: 1 (Scan stopped)
- Trojan.Uztuby.9
Hope this helps someone out
You can take contact to F-Secures support:
Näsäviisas -
Johnioannwrote:Hello- Unfortunately F- Safe (as well as other AVs) cannot remove viruses within the .PST folder- which is where outlook stores all your emails- unfortunately the folder is locked and not accessable. F-safe will tell you the folder is infected BUT cannot do anything to remove it.
You can however click start on your PC and then search and type MRT to launch Microsoftsown malicious removal tool.
Select full scan and it will locate the infected email and clean it.
Infected folder-
- Items scanned: 1
- Harmful items found: 1 (Scan stopped)
- Trojan.Uztuby.9
Hope thishelpssomeone out
Concerned .pst-files. There was some discussions under community with useful(maybe) meanings too.
As examples:
I able to think that .pst-file is more as 'archive' (or container) where stores all letters (mails) or some other metadata. When F-Secure (or any other security software) detected something under .pst file (as archive or so) -> not an option to remove this file totally (or quarantine it) - because it will remove/delete/quarantine all letters and not only 'with malicious payload'-one. Probably this is not expected situation for user. Also some of detections can be false-positive detections.
And I'm not sure about abilities to note or trigger information (under log-report) about certain visible-view for letter with payload (and not only 'Outlook.pst' and detection-name/count);
But, generally -> if this is detection about some attached files -> partly it will be as 'static' file (which not launched by common meanings); And even more -> can be under 'spam'-folder already. Cleaning spam/junk folders can be enough (under Outlook client);
Good if MRT-tool with abilities to 'clean' .pst-file properly and that it do not remove (clear) file fully.
Maybe also good to re-check system more properly (additionally to F-Secure scans) as good noted and based on this discussion under Microsoft page:
Sorry for my reply!
Ok so here goes.
The infected file is in the .pst folder. This is the folder used for outlook mail.
Open outlook and select at least fifty percent of the emails and copy them to a new folder on your desktop.
Do the same with the other fifty percent- to another folder.
Delete all deleted mails, spam mails and junk mail in outlook.
Now go to the folders on your desktop with the copied emails in and scan them with f.safe av.
F.safe will find the email thats infected- now search for that email in outlook and when you find it, delete it.
Do same again until all infected files are deleted.
Now empty deleted folder and delete the copied email folders on your desktop.
Delete the deleted folders and empty waste basket.
Now rescan with F.Safe.
Finally go to start» search and type in MRT. When the microsoft scanner opens select the third button- it will tell you your pc will be restarted.
On restart it will scan your drived fully- offline.
Now look in the quarantine of the MRT scanner and see if it found any viruses.
If they are quarantined leave them alone as they cannot harm your pc now.
And thats it- I have a pc that runs like new!!