F-Secure blocking my website
Possible to use F-Secure SAS:
Knowledgebase article:
It should be useful for informing about 'wrong' harmful-rating; But also good to re-check that your website do not comes with some payload or troubles (like internal re-check);
we are facing exactly same issue as above!
Since we changed the URL from http:// to https://
F-Secure keep blocking our website:
We have submitted a request to F-Secure Customer Care:
Number xxxxxx
Additionally, we have scanned our url with various other security tools, including Norton, Gooogle, VirusTotal and the all say that our domain is safe!
Any chance you could help us whitelisting it please?
EDIT: Removed case number (PII)
Sorry for my reply. I'm also only F-Secure user.
Does your website is still rated as harmful or suspicious by F-Secure?
I think that if your experience about F-Secure Customer Care already -> it will take some workdays (two-three) for their response. And maybe some more time for applied changes (but, usually, no delays).
Otherwise community reply may boost up it.
Also, just as my own feelings -> scanning by noted tools (except Norton -> because I'm not sure how it works) is not always enough for proper view. But with your certain situation -> blocking by F-Secure maybe false-positive based on some generic meanings indeed.
Thank you for your reply:)
I have already heard from F-Secure Customer Care:
"....Thank you for your report.
Our analysis has found that the URL submitted is not harmful. Our security products have been updated to rate the URL as safe. The updated rating will take effect automatically via Security Cloud otherwise known as ORSP...."In other words indeed a false-positive block by F-Secure.
Hopefully the update and effect will take place within a short time, as several customers have reported this issue to us.