Can't open homepage of fs prodution and windows show subscription has expired

When fs protection is updated to version 17.1,I can't find the way to open program homepage.
Windows show "F-Secure's subscription on your computer has expired" and all function can't work properly.
But fs protection doesn't display any message about subscriptions or other messages.
Is this a bug?
Do you have any other security software installed, and have you tried rebooting your machine? If that hasn't helped, I suggest that you log in to your Beta Portal then download and reinstall FS Protection, as that might be the easiest fix. If that fails or creates further problems, use the F-Secure Uninstallation Tool to remove the product completely, then reinstall.
It might also be useful, while you're in the Beta Portal, to send in an FSDIAG from the Support Tool, with a bug report, before and after you reinstall the product, so they can see what might have gone wrong.
Please update your uninstallation tool location. The old one in FTP only works up until SAFE 16.5. For 17.0 and newer and also for fs protection, you should use the new uninstallation tool available at
Also our web links should hopefully point to the new one now.
(F-Secure R&D)
F-Secure R&D, Desktop products
Ville wrote:Please update your uninstallation tool location. The old one in FTP only works up until SAFE 16.5. For 17.0 and newer and also for fs protection, you should use the new uninstallation tool available at
Also our web links should hopefully point to the new one now.
(F-Secure R&D)
Sorry for my reply/ask.
Do I able to suggest something like:
--> Re-name previous Uninstallation Tool under to something like "UninstallationToolLegacy.exe" (for save this tool under ftp -> if can be useful for previous software);
--> Upload current Uninstallation Tool to with filename "UninstallationTool.exe" (as re-name for "FsUninstallationTool.exe" from https-page);
It can be useful for situations like:
-- for fresh readers will be still actual random replies under community; or other places where already placed previous "known URL" to uninstallation tool;
-- if situation required 'previous tool' - it will be still available for download it (and based on official replacements for articles/weblinks -> anyway required to give direct advice about 'where to find previous tool');
-- if anyone will place previous "known" URL - it will be not critical (because also about fresh tool);
Or it's not possible to do? Or may break something?
// and I mean -> it can be an option -> because stated that fresh tool is valid for SAFE 15/16 too; Most recent SAFE solutions as potential reason for use uninstallation tool; And previous tool will be also available;