Firewall in F-Secure! Additional options for scanning a computer.

Это интересно, и почему бы не поставить собственный брандмауэр. Фактически, брандмауэр, встроенный в антивирус, защищает гораздо лучше, чем брандмауэр Windows. Это не значит, что брандмауэр Windows стал лучше, это не значит, что это хорошо. Мне все равно нравится этот продукт, но выше этого я бы советовал разработчикам подумать, что на многих форумах пишут, что лучше настроить защиту брандмауэра в антивирусе, а не в родной Windows. А антивирусный гаджет в принципе ничего не болит, а просто держит его. И все же сложный антивирус поэтому называется «сложным», поскольку он включает как защиту в реальном времени, так и защиту веб-сайтов, защиту от фишинга, брандмауэр.
 И почему это так, что у антивируса нет выбора дисков при проверке требований к компьютеру, а только для сканирования всего компьютера. Например, я хочу сканировать только один диск, а не я. Это также можно добавить к продукту.
И, конечно же, вам необходимо усилить защиту от шифров, в некоторых тестах пропущен антивирус. Необходимо добавить функцию для дополнительной защиты важных папок и документов, многие из которых уже сделали это.
Все эти моменты очень важны в антивирусе.


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Sorry for my reply. I'm also only F-Secure user.


    Also this board (as this part of community) English-localized; Not only for topic's name but for content probably too. Usually English-based replies are helpful for getting response (or some of topics can be undiscussed as result);


    If I understood concern and points from your feedback properly --> maybe I able to place my own feedback about this things too:


    --> Firewall often discussed under this community too; Some of recent tries:

    Under this topic;  Or this topic; Also most of "popular" feature requests under related board - about 'own' Firewall;


    Maybe all of this things with not enough attention from official F-Secure team. Mainly as some "more words" about their own feelings. Or current state of their "consideration".


    --> About "Custom scan" - this feature dropped with some of recent F-Secure releases (not really recent in fact); If we talk not about "F-Secure ULAV" but about FS Protection (or F-Secure AV/IS/SAFE/Total):

    available two options: Brief/Virus Scan (only critical places for detect active malware); and "Full Scan" (all drives);


    And an option "Context/Manual Scan" by rightclick for file/files/folder/folders/drives.

    So, it possible to trigger scan only for one drive by "rightclick" it (as folder or file) and to choose related string. With some of situations such abilities should cover many thoughts.

    Maybe available some other workarounds (or tweaks by customization);


    --> About "additional protection against Ransomware" (?) as certain feature for advanced protection for certain file/folders.

    Maybe this is interesting. I did kind of check about some security software recently; and most of them with such feature. But I able to think that this is more oldschool (as classic "Application Control" or some other features); And possible to create this feature with much more powerful and beautiful view (than 'others' did);

    Good if will be something like this.

    About some undetected malware -> maybe good to transfer/note such results -> what if F-Secure able to investigate this (as example)


    Maybe F-Secure will introduce some fresh layers (or so) for Windows-platform. Because for Mac - they introduced F-Secure XFENCE (based on Little Flocker); For me -> this design more sounds as oldschool, but probably with certain tweaks or improves -> it can be actual for Windows too.



  • Scorpion_1
    Scorpion_1 Posts: 10 Explorer
    Thanks for the answer! But from the experience of my and other users, the antivirus scans better from under the program, supposedly with the help of the right button, plus if I need to scan a certain folder in the system, in the depth of the disk, it is certainly more convenient for me to go inside the antivirus, immediately find this folder and scan it.
    Against encoders it is better to have a function for additional protection of disks, files and folders, because. tests show that some antiviruses on hot pass them.
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