Banking protection is to easy to overlook


Although the banking protection is a really nice feature, it is easy to overlook when it is enabled. Especially when I do some paypal payments I often forget to close it. I think it is because paypal payments within ebay, do not "feel" like a real bank transfer Smiley Happy


A few minutes ago I nearly reconfigured all of my outlook accounts because I did not remark the runnning banking protection. I tried to check my mails (which did not work of course) and thought there was some configuration error. Only when I did not receive any password reset mails, I remarked the little banking protection line, closed it and everything worked again :-/


Maybe it is possible to make a more salient overlay, that does not hide or is not so easy to overlook. Actually, it would be good if the banking protection indicator would prevent me from browsing or using blocked tools. They don't work anyway (which is the point of the banking protection), so why don't completly overlay everything but the banking site to prevent user errors?


Best regards,



  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser



    I'm also only F-Secure user - so - sorry for my feedback about your suggestion/reply!


    I remarked the little banking protection line, closed it and everything worked again! Maybe it is possible to make a more salient overlay, that does not hide or is not so easy to overlook. Actually, it would be good if the banking protection indicator would prevent me from browsing or using blocked tools. They don't work anyway (which is the point of the banking protection), so why don't completly overlay everything but the banking site to prevent user errors?


    Generally all of this things comes as "improvements" for Banking Protection flyer design AND Banking Protection usability style. :)

    Because many users did not feel good about "more visible status" of flyer (and about some other concerns);


    And it start be with features like:


    -- little hidden line (middle-top of screen) with practically 'autohide it' and with certain colors; and with delay to be 'fully visible' at target it;


    Additionally to this "flyer" - there should be also "taskbar" (?!) logo; Basically - it also possible to "forget";

    And such requirement as "close browser", "end Banking Protection session under flyer" or "close taskbar logo" for stop Banking Protection session was improved by cool feature (which I do not able to feel):


    -- design where banking session is ended automatically;


    Meanings -> you choose logout (from your bank/payment last step) and got the logout page(!?) --> this will trigger "end for Banking session";


    Originally.. I did not understand "how it works"; And thought that maybe we have to provide certain "logout"-link (as URL from Logout-button) - and usage of such 'link" will trigger "end Banking Session" (sounds good and logical); But it not work with my experience.

    Then I start to think that it should be certain "logout" page URL as trigger; I did not re-check it...


    It possible to use F-Secure SAS:

    Check the "I want to give more details about this sample and to be notified of the analysis results" --> URL type as "Banking Protection related troubles" --> Problem type as "Banking session does not end after logout";


    I not sure if this is can be useful for your certain situation (not friendly with both of your noted platforms), but for many of situations: quite good option/feature (as helper when it possible to forget close/end Banking Protection session);

    AND about other meanings: Banking Protection (active session) should prevent you from browsing or using certain software (where it not visible for software as any notifications) with limitations/exceptions:


    -- you do not able to use another browser/browsers (?!) and only this one which triggered Banking Protection session (certain process/ID?!); maybe it re-designed already;

    -- you still able to open safe-for-banking rated websites; and possible to use certain applications/system's network connections;


    This is based on situations - when for "banking" you have to re-check some information, points or use another service during Banking; It can be allowed by default for certain safe-for-banking rated pages (or you able to allow certain website);

    With application - there PROBABLY can be some 'whitelisted" applications; Also there can be option like "Do not interrupt my active Internet connections"   if you do not want the banking protection to close your already open connections.


    Sorry for my reply! Smiley Sad


    Most likely there expected official response. And I think that it can be re-designed or improved... with much more powerful view as something fresh (and for current design as "BP"-flyer.. I feel about it --> only good words. Since it with many nice changes/fixes compare to previous style of flyer);



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