Family rules and Yandex browser

These family rules are not working for me, I just sated some content filtering for my device to see how effective the web filtering is! but I can reach the famous porn URLs.

I'm using YANDEX browser(Chromium browser).
I disabled all extensions but the same issue exist!also when I search into the google I don't see any thing from f-secure(i mean that rating system for websites)
Pls, consider Yandex as a browser(if you have some users from Russia)! not everyone wants to use chrome!


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Family Rules should not be based on browser; Since it should work with any of them (?!);

    I able to think - what if this websites not known for F-Secure and not rated as such;


    You able to re-check next URL (rated as "adult"-content based on somewhat reasons):

    --> - should be blocked as "adult-content" (if checked under Content Blocker);


    If this page do not blocked under Yandex browser --> maybe there can be some potential reasons/meanings, but good to re-check that Content Blocker work (at all) with another browser (Internet Explorer as example);

    What about "Safety ratings" near search results. Most likely you able to see it under http-search (Google/Bing/Yahoo), but for HTTPS (Google/Bing/Yahoo) there required installed addon/extension (F-Secure Browsing Protection extension);

    Most likely it possible to do with Yandex Browser by manual certain trick;

    I managed to work 'F-Secure Browsing Protection extension for Chrome' under many of Webkit/Chromium/Blink browsers (include popular ones like Opera, Maxthon, Sleipnir and other local browsers like your example; And include some.. so called safe browsers by many companies - like Avira or so); Did not try with Vivaldi (not sure if there can be difference);

    If you want - maybe you able to re-check about manual installing F-Secure Browsing Protection extension for Chrome under Yandex Browser (if they support addons) and most likely it should work (with limitations about update/upgrade, but with support about HTTPS and as result -> blockpages and search-rating-pictures);

    What about "Yandex as a browser" -> I able to think that F-Secure consider their browser as browser;


    But F-Secure do support only for three (officially; and partly four) browsers Internet Explorer (partly Microsoft Edge), Google Chrome and Firefox; Mostly latest builds of them;


    I still not sure... about potential troubles to Support extension (or, at least, give option to use it by some designed steps) under Chromium/Blink/Webkit browsers;


    But there is a lot of them. Except popular ones... there a lot of local ones (and for each location/country - there can be not only one chromium-based browser) - which can be very popular and high-quality; AND there can be safe browsers by security companies and many other meanings.

    I able to think that F-Secure do not able officially support them (and provide guarantee for proper works);


    But - how I able to think:

    -- most of security features work at system (or so) layer; So - there is no large difference (except - that you do not see beauty blockpage as such);

    -- it should be mostly valid for extension-support (extend ability handling HTTPS) - which often you able manually install under chromium-based browser; and Banking Protection feature (as trigger BP-session possible only under supported browsers);


    Generally -> I do not love Google Chrome browser (or Chromium-based browsers) - so I not really check it a lot;




    // And if there normal status for Content Blocker (other pages are blocked); Maybe for this ones - which not rated properly -> you able to use F-Secure SAS:

    Where you able to transfer URL for re-rate it (with certain concern);


    // by manual installing I mean: "opening Google Webstore for F-Secure Browsing Protection extension" and choose "Install"-button; For most (?!) of Chromium-based browsers it should works;

    Where it not works -> possible indeed "manual" installing;

  • betoche
    betoche Posts: 49 Observer

    That porn website is famous(as I said)I recheck the adult option 1 hour ago and it didn't work also restarted the pc but the issue exist.I apologize for my eg mistakes.
    The link you provided me won't get block :)
    the safety rating does not exist for google and also Yahoo.

    the point is the f-secure didn't install on my Yandex!I don't know why but I guess its Yandex technology to avoid installing an extension without your knowledge that's why I use Yandex.I'm a little bit paranoid.

    I already used f-secure with sware iron and it worked fine with that browser.

    I can't see any option to install the f-secure extension manully where is it?

    Many thnx.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Do you able to re-check that Content Blocker is work for you (?!);

    It possible by steps like:


    --> Login to My FS Protection portal;

    --> Choose your device (where FS Protection installed) under portal;

    Then Family Rules (or Content Blocker) tab under certain device/profile;

    --> Choose "Edit" and choose certain categories (like check it) - by default unchecked all (probably);


    Then re-open URL like :

    Maybe required "refresh page" (by CTRL+F5 - as clear cache); Or re-check with Internet Explorer (as default browser - where expected proper work);

    Also maybe Yandex Browser able to use kind of proxy (or something - which perform trick; at least, I have something like this many time before... with Maxthon browser; But F-Secure introduce many changes after this);

    I able to think that "F-Secure Browsing Protection extension" is not installed under Yandex browser - because it expected;

    F-Secure will support only Internet Explorer/Firefox/Google Chrome - where we able to expect automatic installation of extension;

    But for Yandex Browser (or other Chromium-based) F-Secure probably did not trigger automatic installation;


    Just as re-check -> I installed Sputnik browser (if I normally read about this -> much more concerned about privacy, than Yandex browser); And there (for me) situation as with other Chromium-based browsers;

    F-Secure block expected pages; Also possible to install extension;


    ""option to install the f-secure extension manually"" is not designed step probably.

    But.... you able try to open under Yandex Browser:

    Google Chrome Webstore -- stable (?! or maybe valid for beta/technology preview too) F-Secure Browsing Protection extension for Chrome

    And check - if there possibilities to install it by common steps (as "Install"-button); If not -> maybe you able to "extract" extension and manually add it to your browser;


    This is not common steps. But maybe this is not always required.


    It will be only good - if F-Secure will support officially more browsers, than on current time.

    And will add support for Yandex browser (as example);


    I used Sware Iron (many time before) - but probably there also required manual installation for extension; Does it was with another view about your experience? And F-Secure automatically install extension there? I did not re-check it about current situation with this browser (since I found some worst points about it);



  • betoche
    betoche Posts: 49 Observer

    I said I recheck it! didn't work rechecked the link didn't work.btw it doesn't matter to me because Yandex web filtering is enough for me and also am running browser into sandbox I just wanted to report this issue.
    thnx for the link from chrome web store, I think I already installed it but without having f-secure this extension will not work(and that time I removed it) that why I forget where I can get the f-secure extension.
    in sware iron was ok I don't remember but I'm sure I had it.
    now have rating scores for Google and I installed it but the content filtering is not working
    I set my DNS to DNS watch maybe this is because of dns watch let me remove it and will back again
    p.s: removed DNS watch but the issue exist
    nvm I don't need to filter the web as i said i just wanted to play with it.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    @betoche wrote:

    I said I recheck it! didn't work rechecked the link didn't work.btw it doesn't matter to me because Yandex web filtering is enough for me and also am running browser into sandbox I just wanted to report this issue.
    thnx for the link from chrome web store, I think I already installed it but without having f-secure this extension will not work(and that time I removed it) that why I forget where I can get the f-secure extension.
    in sware iron was ok I don't remember but I'm sure I had it.
    now have rating scores for Google and I installed it but the content filtering is not working
    I set my DNS to DNS watch maybe this is because of dns watch let me remove it and will back again
    p.s: removed DNS watch but the issue exist
    nvm I don't need to filter the web as i said i just wanted to play with it.



    So, sorry for my replies (I'm also only F-Secure user) --> most likely official response can be there tomorrow (with workday/workhours); Also you able to do report under portal; With fsdiag after repeating this; This will be (potentially) with more speedy official feedback about your report;


    I able to understand your concern (and reasons to create this topic) and I'm also did response only based on points like "to understand why your experience about such view" (since it sounds strange) and some suggestions about "Chromium/Extension"-points; :)




    // I installed Yandex Browser (under one of my systems) and there is blocked page (I did not set up anything under browser); Blocked harmful-rated pages and restricted-pages;

    As double-check -> you able try to open under Yandex Browser (this is safe test-page by F-Secure, but should be blocked as harmful-rated; Since it rated as harmful-page);

    If page is blocked -> maybe there is certain trouble with Content blocker (restricted content);

    If not -> something else;



  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    Just as feedback ( ^ additionally to my previous reply and words about Yandex browser experience):


    Except point with sandbox (as potential reason);

    Do you use "Turbo" (Rocket-logo) under Yandex Browser (?!);


    I able to repeat next situation:


    --> When "Turbo" (Rocket-logo) is enabled there possible to do:


    ---> Open any harmful/suspicious/restricted-rated pages under HTTP;

    ----> But such pages will be still blocked under HTTPS;


    With disabled Turbo --> pages blocked under HTTP/HTTPS;


    Just as example.



  • betoche
    betoche Posts: 49 Observer

    Thnx for your reply the page got block.but another famous url is avaialbe.
    I will send  that url to f-secure

  • Ville
    Ville Posts: 753 F-Secure Product Expert



    Content blocking works for all browsers for HTTP (no SSL) only. It works for HTTPS only with browsers where our plugin can be loaded, since we can't monitor HTTPS traffic from outside the browser.

    Edited: See my correction post below.



    (F-Secure R&D)



    F-Secure R&D, Desktop products

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    @Ville wrote:



    Content blocking works for all browsers for HTTP (no SSL) only. It works for HTTPS only with browsers where our plugin can be loaded, since we can't monitor HTTPS traffic from outside the browser.



    (F-Secure R&D)




    Sorry for my ask. 'Content blocking works (as designed) for all browsers for HTTP (no SSL) only'.

    But connection (!? opening) website anyone will be blocked (for HTTPS) under not supported browser?

    Or this is based on system's / browser's settings?


    For example, Microsoft Edge (extension/addon not installed) will show TLS-trouble page (and not loading content of website -> when switched to HTTP -> blockpage);

    And other 'not supported' was with related design for me (except limitations - when any of connections did not blocked at all);



  • nanonyme
    nanonyme Posts: 145 Path Finder

    Well, it has been a trend for a while for porn sites (and basically everythinng else) to start turning HTTPS on. You really need the extension for content filtering to be useful in today's Internet

  • betoche
    betoche Posts: 49 Observer

    Thnx for the answer so because of https is encrypted f-secure cant block it right?

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    @betoche wrote:

    Thnx for the answer so because of https is encrypted f-secure cant block it right?



    Sorry for my reply (because probably expected from other users);


    And I did not re-check it enough (but just based on my own experience -> which maybe also based on something else as certain configuration/settings under system or browser or under FS Protection);


    F-Secure can not properly handling HTTPS (encrypted), but it possible prevent/block access before "secure connection" is established; Or with "extension" (support for HTTPS) there will be blockpage;


    I able to suspect that... even if extension is not installed or so -> anyway Content Blocker (and blocking access to harmful-rated pages) should work with meanings that connection is prevented/broken; Because it should work under system network layers (?!); You able to re-check this official answers under F-Secure SENSE board: this reply  or this reply (with noted youtube-video) or this topic; I able to think that handling such meanings also valid for FS Protection (F-Secure solutions);


    But if there kind of 'bypass' designed network using (like proxy?! or so) -> it possible that F-Secure do not able to detect certain connection and as result -> not able to prevent it;





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