Any way to configure Freedom to work with a Linksys WRT1200AC using dd-wrt firwmare?
from PC magazine article:,2817,2403388,00.asp
"By adding VPN protection to your router, you secure the traffic of every gadget connected to that router. And the router—and everything protected by it—uses just one of your licenses. Nearly all of the companies I've reviewed offer routers with preinstalled VPN software, making it even easier to add this level of protection."
Instead of just protection my Windows 10 laptop, I would like to protect other PC's connected to my Linksys WRT1200AC. It currently has Linksys firmware but I would replace with dd-wrt per this article:
I would still opt for the inclusion of VPN security to my router. I would protect the traffic of all gadgets linked up to that router. Based on what I've studied from this article, I would go with unparalleled degree of security.
What do you reckon?