Does F-Secure SAFE protect against Fruitfly virus

DougSO Posts: 1 New Member

There is a new Mac virus called FruitFly (


Does F-Secure SAFE protect against this one?


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Good if there will be official response from F-Secure Teams/Staff;


    But just as temporary suggestion:


    --> Based on "signature"-based detections.... F-Secure should detect something (at least) which called as: Trojan.MAC.Fruitfly.A; Trojan.MAC.Fruitfly.B;


    - First one added on Februrary:

    - Second one added on June:


    This is most likely kind of "signature" (or kind of fuzzy hashes) -- so maybe your noted article about something else (since it noted 'FruitFly2' and most of articles created with some of recent days);


    And also F-Secure SAFE with most of platforms -> used multi-layers design; So, protection can be not only as "detection", but also prevention or detection by other steps; I not friendly with Mac-platform - so.. not sure about certain options;

    Also I able to think that there can be a lot of limitations. And some of certain variants can be undetected; Because it "unknown yet";

    Just because something as backdoor/Fruitfly for Mac was described on January ... but was available/active some years before. Not sure about this certain software/trick/malware, but basically.. this is something which can be with design of high-quality malicious software;




    // also one of website's articles have URL to; about "sample" of this recent Mac malware (?!);

    There visible that on current day - F-Secure also detect it (as most of other companies); Even with some of first months (of "virustotal" upload) - not detect;

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