How can I disable resubscription reminders?

ChuckM6421 Posts: 3 New Member

I find it very objectionable that I, and all my family's computers, start receiving alerts to renew our subscription one month in advance of it's expiration. It seems the only way to turn this off is to actually renew. That effectively lops off one month of what I paid for last year.

If this sounds familiar it's because I objected to it this time last year and got a fairly tonedeaf acknowledgement that it actually begins 45 days before expiration...with no way to disable it except to pay, pay, pay.


Bad, bad, bad!


  • Hi ChuckM6421,


    If you renew your subscription now, the remaining days of your current subscription will be transferred to your new suscription. You won't lose your remaining days with the current subscription as it is added to the new one.



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