Safe Search notification broken

The safe search notification is not working. The one that asks me to turn on safe search. I'm a web developer and it wants to turn on for Firefox Developer Edition, which obviously I don't want. I have 4 options.
Help - The button that led me here
Turn On - Not that I want to, but it doesn't work. Click it and nothing happens.
Postpone - I assume this makes the pop updisappear for a bit and reappear sometime in the future
No Thanks - I would assume this makes the pop upgo away forever. It doesn't.
Anyone know how to stop this pop upfrom appearing. It comes at the most inopportune times.
You able to re-check this topic:
Where we did not get feedback about situation (another user was also with this stuck); And where was some suggestions/meanings;
As additional suggestions (and repeat advice) to previous topic:
--> maybe you able try to contact F-Secure Support Channels (chat):
What if they able to provide certain tool for your build of F-Secure SAFE/IS;
Or if they able to provide proper official 'supported' steps to remove such prompt manually;
--> if another browser under system with installed "Safe Search" -> as temporary workaround - I able to suggest re-change "Firefox Developer Edition" from default browser status; As try;
also probably pop-up should not be totally with random times (but based on "session" start and maybe with "time"-delay between them);
Hi andersdigital,
For SAFE, the R&D is aware and a fix is released with the current channel upgrade. The channel upgrade is ongoing and gradually you will receive the new version upgrade to your device.
However, if you would like to rectify it immediately, reinstallation of the client should help with this issue.