tools for stop Win10 from spying on us?

Parham Posts: 103 Enthusiast

Hi guys.


recently i was looking for a way to stop microsoft from spying on my.. i already have ExpressVPN 6months, after that i'm going to buy FREEDOME, but VPN is not enough IMO, because with VPN we can only make our traffic untrackable, but still they can read that traffic if i'm right,


for example win10 collect our data or i don't know a lot of more only God knows..


i found some tools called WPD and ShutUp10 which known as antispyware for win10

which let you manage Win10 privacy settings better and more clear.. BUT are these tools own trustable? can we trust them ? i mean they could be just like microsoft.. and we double our risk with using them..


i'm realy confuse now .. i hope can find some answers from you guys and F-Secure experts.. :)


  • Näsäviisas
    Näsäviisas Posts: 784 Superuser
    MY IDEA💡

    ⚊There are other operating systems, for example Android.
    ⚊ Apple has its own OS.
    ⚊ Linux-based computers, but not so widely.
    ⚊ Buy a new computer for yourself, without Win10 + MS.
    ⚊ I don't want to advertise above mentioned, but the facts.

    💻 Näsäviisas
  • PC-Cobbler
    PC-Cobbler Posts: 18 Explorer

    Microsoft's business model now depends upon telemetry and data-mining. W-10 will only get worse.


    Upon every boot, Microsoft Telemetry Compatibility will just about bring your PC to its knees -- 90+% usage for processor and drive -- because it is busy sending Microsoft data. Disable both Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser and ProgramDataUpdater (note that both have a default setting of "Run whether user is logged in or not"). You will probably need to repeat it after every major update.


    As others have noted, your best option may be to find a new OS. I recommend Fedora and Linux Mint.
    getfedora DOT org
    www DOT linuxmint DOT com


    However, if you are a gamer, you are forced to remain with Windows, as Linux does not have all of the games that Windows does.

  • Parham
    Parham Posts: 103 Enthusiast

    tnx guys for solutions

    but there are 2 major problems here with changing my OS to Linux,


    first, i didn't try that really, i only had Ubuntu for 1 day, some years ago,

    second and real one, i love F-Secure, exactly as much as i love my Privacy, so if i'm right, F-Secure have not any product for Home Users which can run on Linux..

    so if with Linux i'm going to say goodbye to F-Secure, i will stay with Microsoft and try to stop that from spying on me Smiley Sad

  • manohar1
    manohar1 Posts: 1 New Member

    Here is how to Stop Windows 10 to spy on You

    1 – O&O ShutUp10 tool lets you disable 50 + spying features of windows 10 in just single click. You can choose to opt out of some of them, if you really use that feature. But, most of the windows 10 spying features can be turned off easily by this tool in one go.

    2– You can disable windows 10 tracking by just downloading DisableWinTracking tool and running it as administrator. This open sourced tool very easily serves the purpose of going private in windows 10.


  • nanonyme
    nanonyme Posts: 145 Path Finder

    @Parham wrote:

    tnx guys for solutions

    but there are 2 major problems here with changing my OS to Linux,


    first, i didn't try that really, i only had Ubuntu for 1 day, some years ago,

    second and real one, i love F-Secure, exactly as much as i love my Privacy, so if i'm right, F-Secure have not any product for Home Users which can run on Linux..

    so if with Linux i'm going to say goodbye to F-Secure, i will stay with Microsoft and try to stop that from spying on me Smiley Sad

    Actually pedantically this is not true. F-Secure sells a business AV solution for Linux servers. I'm not sure how much benefit it would give you though since main AV protection targets Windows viruses. I guess the most interesting and probably portable part of the product would be the web safety features for consumers. If F-Secure did have a Linux consumer product, which features from Windows (or Mac) product would you see yourself most likely paying for?

  • mackpt1
    mackpt1 Posts: 1 New Member

    Here is how to Stop Windows 10 to spy on You

    1- Press Windows + R.

    2- Type Regedit in it

    3- In your registry editor browse to below given location.

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE –> SOFTWARE –> Policies –> Microsoft –> Windows –> DataCollection

    4- Now, create a new DWORD (32-bit) Value there named as AllowTelemetry.

    5- Now click on the windows 10 start menu icon on the bottom left and then do a right click on file explorer and finally click on manage.

    6- Now look in the left panel.

    7- Now double click on these two items given above and select disabled in startup type drop down as shown in the pic below.

    8- Finally restart windows for changes to take effect.


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