Replacing BrowsingProtection by web browser's default feature related to dangerous site blocking.

Jebagsmelsso Posts: 1 New Member

Question A:
Can I replace BrowsingProtection of F-secure SAFE by the default site blocking system provided by some majour browsers?

Question B:
Why F-secure shows the user big alert at control window and task tray icon of F-secure SAFE
when the user turnd off only BrowsingProtection, and even if the all of feature except BrowsingProtection are enabled?

Yesterday, I tried to read some famous site about Firefox, and I search it at Google.
I've found the site at results by Google Search, so I click the link.

After reading it, I found some logs by F-secure's log window.
The log was showing me that F-secure was blocking some domain, which is included the site (The same domain as the website).

It was very dobtful to be showed this message because the site is famous and non-dangerous contents correctly.

Of cause, I was uninstalling the F-secure from my laptop and I installed AvastFree.

The Avast's judge was clearly that the website includs no problems.
Virustotal was also showing the result the same of Avast.

Usually, I am using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
These browsers are including siteblocking feature based on Google Safe Browing List.

And I will also use some adblocker extensions with some malware filters.

I will disable only Browsing Protection by F-secure if I will be protected without Site Blocking of BrowsingProtection.
I will use all protection features of F-secure SAFE except dangerous site blocking of BrowsingProtection.

Can I replace the site blocking of BrowsingProtection by the default safe feature included majour browsers and some security extensions?

Can I ignore the alert from F-secure SAFE that "You are not protected, browser protection is disabled" at F-secure main window by disabling only BrowsingProtection ? I was also showed Green mark and the message that "Malware Protection is enabled" at the same time I got alert.

By the way, if I'll get more correctly or more detailed infomation by contacting with only support chat or support mail, I will send the message to these site.
Thanks all! Have a nice secure life!


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    I'm F-Secure user... so there will be just my own suggestion and not an official answer (which maybe you expected there);  Maybe there will be official response from F-Secure Teams.... tomorrow (or so);

    But concerning your ask:


    Can I replace BrowsingProtection of F-secure SAFE by the default site blocking system provided by some majour browsers?

    Yes, you can replace. But my own advice - will use "both" of them;

    if you mean any non-standard well-known browsers (like Google Chrome / Firefox) - I not sure how such feature looks and work there. But based on default system Microsoft Edge / Internet Explorer and their own security features (including SmartScreen as "ability" block known malicious and harmful webpages) - there should not be something which prevent proper work of both layers;

    With my experience - browser's own protection (not-default-browser's feature or SmartScreen) usually can re-trigger detection (such as - blocked by F-Secure, but switched to blocking by browser; in fact - access to website blocked anyway);


    Also - just potentially - F-Secure's own "knowledge database and sources" (which generally can be based on third party things) much larger, than browsers used.

    So, F-Secure should provide higher level of protection against known harmful/malicious/suspicious websites (at least, it should be like that - because it design of their software and cyber security company).

    But also can be situations when browser's own feature will be useful; Or just too much helpful with certain situations. And as additional point - most of search engines marked "rogue" (and potentially hacked) pages under search result; Most likely that Google Chrome (because they related with one of this search engines) prevent access to such URLs too;


    Why F-secure shows the user big alert at control window and task tray icon of F-secure SAFE
    when the user turnd off only BrowsingProtection, and even if the all of feature except BrowsingProtection are enabled?

     Not sure about task tray picture (?!), but by design... Main UI will show state of security for user.

    F-Secure SAFE is F-Secure Internet Security (meanings: F-Secure AV + F-Secure Browsing Protection);

    Protection against "malicious/harmful"-pages (generally - "not against", but prevent access to such pages) is considered as "main security feature".

    As noted there:


    Such state means "Your device is not protected. For example, a critical feature is turned off."


    Probably it do not trigger something else. Just this "state" under Main UI; Basically -  if you want get access to some unexpectedly blocked (for you) pages - you able to use "list of allow/deny websites" (as allowing access to certain website); General tips noted there:


    Yesterday, I tried to read some famous site about Firefox, and I search it at Google.
    I've found the site at results by Google Search, so I click the link.

    After reading it, I found some logs by F-secure's log window.
    The log was showing me that F-secure was blocking some domain, which is included the site (The same domain as the website).

     Maybe it was certain scripts, resources or other (?!). Usually it can be false positive. But with my own experience such "detection" comes for tracking parts of known popular websites. And it can be based on kind of "automatic" analysing and giving such rating.


    About such false-positive situations - there possible to inform F-Secure Labs by F-Secure SAS:

    If there all OK with URL - it will be re-rated;


    Of cause, I was uninstalling the F-secure from my laptop and I installed AvastFree.

    The Avast's judge was clearly that the website includs no problems.
    Virustotal was also showing the result the same of Avast.

    With my own feelings it was unexpected decision. :)


    Because there was noted previously options as:


    -> if page blocked and you see F-Secure Blockpage; There should be available  "Allow website"-button;


    -> and link to F-Secure SAS;

    if there was background-blocking resources and it looks like false-positive - good to transfer it to F-Secure SAS. And as result -> re-rate such URL/website/domain/situation; Because if it was "eventually" (based on third-party databases or automatically-rated) - it can be not known quite long time;


    Also because... even I heard recently  that Avast Free quite powerful... but maybe was enough just used their Avast Search service?  If there is well know website and blocking by F-Secure was about some "background" resources.. it just can be not visible with direct opening page;


    I will use all protection features of F-secure SAFE except dangerous site blocking of BrowsingProtection.

    All other features should normally work; but most likely there not required such workaround with disabling "blocking harmful sites".

    Since there possible to allow each website per access; And "blocking" at background should be not quite often situation (or, at least, it will be visible under list of notifications and there possible to transfer them to F-Secure SAS for re-rate);

    Can I replace the site blocking of BrowsingProtection by the default safe feature included majour browsers and some security extensions?

     There can be enough level of protection with all valid security default browser features "in use"; some good, useful and reasonable security extensions and with common sense.

    But since certain feature "blocking harmful-rated pages" should not be "troublemaker" - most likely you have to not replace it. All of this can be as "layers" in "one design";


    Can I ignore the alert from F-secure SAFE that "You are not protected, browser protection is disabled" at F-secure main window by disabling only BrowsingProtection ? I was also showed Green mark and the message that "Malware Protection is enabled" at the same time I got alert.

    Maybe you able to ignore it - if there known for you ... that will be possible to open indeed malicious/harmful website (which will be not blocked by browser/addons);


    Such state just means that "Browsing Protection" ability block harmful rated (?! additionally suspicious-rated; and maybe search-rating-pictures under search-results) is disabled;


    Sorry for my long reply. Good if there will be official response from F-Secure Teams.



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