Hello. I've tried this tool many times and after each scan i see different results. My real ISP has never been shown and I'm currently not in the US or Finland (the two countries that are displayed the most), sometimes the coutry I reside in is shown, but the ISP isn't mine. The DNS IPs are always changing. I've tried the scans using a Linux Distribution and the firefox browser. AS/ISP organization is Google (and YANDEX LLC sometimes). The scanner says "No issues were found" and (in the case of YANDEX LLC)""everything appers to be fine, but the check was incomplete ("Known public DNS server" field is empty. when it's yandex). So, my question is: What should i do next?
Sorry for my reply. I'm also just F-Secure user.
Maybe you able try to use "mail-address", which provided there: https://www.f-secure.com/en/web/labs_global/router-checker (as ability to give feedback);
But my suggestion -> that if there technically possible to use multiple Public DNS servers and if your experience about such design - most likely F-Secure Router Checker just do not able detect all of them per one "result". And just give each time different results (for this "Public DNS" - which "firstly" detected with current try);
As example, if your experience with using OpenDNS, GoogleDNS, YandexDNS and your ISP DNS (if possible such design) under your system/network configuration -> it can be explanation for such view. But I not really friendly with this and not sure if there should be changes with "DNS IPs" (but can to suspect so); And about trouble with "Known public DNS server" field - maybe there required normal official response from F-Secure team; With my experience (and some tries) there also such situation with this field;
Do you have any reasons for this experience? I mean - do you suspect some troubles with your system? Or just as "try" to use this tool?
Sorry for my long reply.
Router checker output:
AS number 15169
AS organization Google Inc. (NO)
ISP Google (NO)
Organization Google (NO)
Continent code EU (OK)
Continent name Europe (OK)
Country code NL (NO)
Country name Netherlands (NO)
Registered country code US
Registered country name United States
Known public DNS server Google (?)Trouble is that I'm in Italy, my ISP is TIM and it's not google-related. The only right information is the Continent (Europe)
Awesome tool