67% of battery use due to Freedome using mobile data

patrikbergman Posts: 2 New Member

After I installed Freedome on my LG V10, the battery drains awfully quick. After checking, Freedome eats 67% of it all, and I even need to recharge during the day. How can I come around this using mobile data?




  • Näsäviisas
    Näsäviisas Posts: 784 Superuser
    Hej Patrik!

    Could you find more information from another case here in Community,

    LG V10 is a fine smartphone with many properties and there is going on many prosessies all the time. And that's why battery lasts 1 - 2 days.

    Freedom is in protection status, automatically and continually. In my smartphone.

    By logging out your smartphone and electricity off, saves battery. But is it possible? In practise?

    You can change the Freedom status, when click Freedoms icon, but then there is no F. protection.

    Jag hoppas att mina ideer ska hjälpa dig!

  • patrikbergman
    patrikbergman Posts: 2 New Member

    Thanks for your reply. I would like my phone to be on 24/7, so it is not an option to turn it off. So there is no other solution than charging my phone also during daytime if I want to use Freedome with cellular data (not wifi)?



  • Näsäviisas
    Näsäviisas Posts: 784 Superuser
    I don't know LG V10 settings, if there could be some battery saving-possibility?
    If this smartphone is your workphone (firmas telefon), loading in your working place?

    I have no more ideas, but if somebody has, please send a mail.

    This was not so smart answer!


  • Hi patrikbergman,


    May I know what is the version of Freedome used on this device? If it is the recent version, please check the following.


    The battery meter attributes all the network related battery use to our application, as the application takes over all the network traffic on the device. Sometimes, with 3G/4G usage, the battery consumption is also relatively higher, especially when the signal is low.


    Is App Security in Freedome on for both Wi-Fi and data networks? It is also advised to put the Application Security setting to Wifi mode only.

    Please check if there is any particular application that makes frequent network connection as Freedome needs to turn on the VPN connection for them. This might result in keeping the connection alive all the time if those connections are frequent.

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