FS Protection PC Release 192

This release contains following applications that combined make the FS Protection PC product:C

  • Common Component Framework 2.92.148
  • Antivirus 17.192.127
  • Browsing protection 2.192.6088

Fixed issues:


  • Help missing content (CTS-99358, SAFE_BUG-01734)
  • "Turn off all security features" confirmation box buttons have different sizes (CTS-99451)
  • Scheduled scanning help incorrect (CTS-99380)
  • Operator link missing from main UI (CTS-99433)
  • Monitor image needs polishing (CTS-99432)

Browsing protection:

  • OLS requires restart on upgrade (CTS-99303)
  • Internet Explorer 11 crash (CTS-99178, SAFE_BUG-01644)
  • New "Shopping and auctions" category for Content filtering (CTS-99128)
  • "Block prohibited website" settings change does not work (CTS-99408)
  • Blockpage is missing category icons (CTS-99387)
  • Time limits blockpage buttons have different width and height (CTS-99398)
  • New tab in Firefox triggers banking session if there's a bank url in shortcuts (CTS-98941)
  • Content filtering works only if hoster processes are started in certain order (CTS-99424)


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Sorry for my reply and thanks for the release!


     Some feedback:



    Just as feedback that with current TP (and with previous latest TPs - maybe three?! or four?!; and probably such situation/view was with each TP-update) there also (or still) nextkind of trouble:


    --> When Update/Upgrade tofresh TP build completed --> after some minutes (time?!) or after certain steps (?! as using something under FS Protection)  therestart be not accessiblesome Buttons, features or meanings.


    For example, with current TP and with one of my systems (not check another yet): there start be not available some places/buttons under UI (which I able to mark as Computer Security features; Not possible open Settings or run Scanning by UI, to use Turn Off Dialog, Quarantine and some other; BUT available to use list of allow/deny websites), also I found that extend time from 'dialog/prompt' not work (like five minutes before reach limits -> try to use extend time/more time -> not work -> time not added) and after added/extend time from lockpage- timelimitsgoes be stuck about 'not added, but allowed to use system'; Maybe something else.


    Previously it was usually with such view, but with small difference (or generally I found troubleview/result not at one time); With current TP Update probably was all normally work one hour - but maybe troubleviewstarted after my tries to work with Quarantine (?!) or check settings (?!). There was missing any visible triggers for such situation. Basically I get something with this view also with another timestamps (as not part of TP-Update process) also;


    As with previous situations - after restart there all OK. Kind of 'fix'-step;


    Just interesting - if there some users also have such experience (as stable meaning for Update-process before restart);


    Or if such trouble known (and working on it) for F-Secure Team (it missing ?! under known troubles or limitations under release notes as I can to understand) and if theredo not required created some else reports (probably I did some already... about previous situations) as it will be not useful (since I not sure about certain steps to repeat it).

     I also found that there !! comes fix (which was noted many TPs before) about logo-picture-view under toast (as FS Protection starting service); and fresh TP with proper logo-view under my systems!



  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    My Windows 10 received the update without any issues, but my Windows 7 machine appears to have received it under protest, as for about 20 minutes, it was like wading through treacle trying to do anything else on the machine.  I know it's old, and it does struggle at times, but updates such as these seem to be particularly crippling.


    It would be nice if the tray icon gave some sort of indication that an upgrade was taking place.  It used to, many years ago (remember the green bar at the bottom of the icon?), so I think it might be nice to consider reinstating some sort of animation for the tray icon, just to let the user know when the program is scanning or updating.


    Other than that, all seems OK.  I like the available functions on the new UI layout, but I have to say, it's still a little too thin and minimalist for my personal taste.

  • Urmas
    Urmas Posts: 71 F-Secure Employee



    This issue is not known to us, please create a bug report.


    Thanks, BR, Urmas

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    Hi Urmas,


    I have this every time there's a major upgrade, and have sent in bug reports previously.  Unfortunately, I think it's just my machine, being old and clunky, rather than an issue with the product, as no one else seems to be reporting it.  

    I'm happy to send a bug report, but I feel it would be wasting both yours and my time, as the problem is identical to what has happened before.  

  • nanonyme
    nanonyme Posts: 145 Path Finder

    Hey Simon,

    Out of curiosity, does the pattern that you've typically kept your machine shut down/sleeping/hibernating for over an hour just before you get the TP upgrade apply well to you?

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    I always power my machine down, so I guess that would follow, yes.  

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    @Simon wrote:

    I always power my machine down, so I guess that would follow, yes.  



    Sorry for my reply. How I can to think - nanonyme suggested also "pause" between (shutdown / turn on) with some days/weeks/months (?!); And if it indeed valid for your experience - there quite possible overload (which I experienced with many of my outdated systems/machines with such design); But there (after my experience) also many steps by F-Secure to improve differnet things (like, Aquarius do not start downloading updates - if there some triggers?! do not do so); My meanings there - that maybe anyway such reports can be useful time to time; 

    And sorry for my another feedback-ask:


    --> On current time, when I launch so called "Virus scan" (as example) there visible delay for "28%"-timepoint (and such situation with two of my systems, where installed FS Protection); Such timepoint about steps after "completed?!" first part (scan processes or related) and before "starting" second part (files, directories or related).

    Delay there probably about fifteen-twenty seconds (or maybe more/less);


    Just interesting - if it also valid for other users? And does it valid "delay"? Or there something trying to stopped (but timeout comes)? When there was Blacklight-engine.. probably something with such view (or not) also time to time happened (as visible delay after certain scan-part of scanning);


    Sorry for my reply.


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Sorry for over-the-reply.


    Since TP192 looks like practically "stable" and just because there such changes generally - does there can be expected fresh : "Data transfer declaration" ; or it not required (or it already available)?



  • nanonyme
    nanonyme Posts: 145 Path Finder


    So I litetally meant hours, not a longer time span. There's reasonably frequent virus database updates normally (leaving machine on for a day and checking logs gives you some idea) so it's very possible to get very high loads with even with reasonably short machine downtime on TP release right after startup

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