
Sorry for my reply.
Do you mean some certain mobile platform? Or as general view?
Also does your experience about F-Secure security solutions? If yes... some suggestions:
-> For Android platform:
This Help/Documentation page can be helpful:
Main meanings there - that you have to open F-Secure (SAFE/AV/Mobile Security) application and find 'Antivirus' -> than Scan-button; If under your device will be detected known malicious files (or other harmful threats) - scanning results will be with description about it;
-> For Windows Phone and iOS platforms:
There probably missing scanning feature (under F-Secure security solutions);
This design partly based on points that there practically not reasonable (or not possible) perform scanning for device. Such as - limitation of platform do not provide ability properly scanning device (for example). And as additional point - there can be missing any known malware.
But there can be a lot of scam/rogue and fake applications; Which time to time can be more harmful, than malware (other harmful threats);
-> For Other or classic mobile platforms:
Most likely that there can be two meanings: or situation close to Windows Phone/iOS; Or there can be some legacy security tools (but I not sure - if they supported on current time);
If you mean just general view about find suspicious activities under your mobile - I think that there possible different steps (based on your mobile platform) - but common meanings can be 're-check steps about installed applications; speed/battery usage of device' and kind of 'all possible security meanings in use'; Also most likely for each platform can be a lot of third party scanning tools (with different meanings) and some of then can be also trusted tools/software. But if you use F-Secure solutions - good to start scan with their solution (and if it will be not useful, but there suspicious activities - perfom any additional steps).
Sorry for my reply.