Android software update now stops internet connection if Freedome is on

BH26 Posts: 5 Observer

I have just updated the software on my Samsung galaxy tab S2 and now the tablet will not connect to the wi fi if Freedome is on. Should I uninstall Freedome and if so, will I be able to install again with the same activation code?


  • Hi BH26,


    Have you purchased a multi license Freedome code or is it an appstore license? In either case, if your license is still valid, you can reinstall Freedome and use your license for activation.


  • BH26
    BH26 Posts: 5 Observer

    It's a multi appliance (3) license. Is this a recognised problem with the Samsung update and should a re install fix it?

  • Hi BH26,


    We have not heard any recent issue with Freedome and Samsung Android update. Could you brief us what the version of Android you updated and what is the version of Freedome installed on the device?

  • BH26
    BH26 Posts: 5 Observer

    The Android version is 7.0 and it gives the security software version as ASKSv1.3_161228.

    The Freedome version is


  • Hi BH26,


    Thanks for the update. As I see from the Google playstore, the current version mentioned for Freedome is Your version of Freedome on Android seems to be an old version (2.0). You could try to uninstall and reinstall with the recent version to check if the issue gets resolved.

  • Great! Appreciate your update, BH26!

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