Last update broke my computer

Good Morning;
Yesterday Freedome did an update to my Windows 10 computer. Now it can take up to 10 seconds for the Resolving Host message to clear on my Chrome browser. On another W10 computer that hasn't updated, everything is fine. I uninstalled and reinstalled and that didn't fix it. I tried a competitors VPN and it also now has the resolving delay. What have you done to my computer? Can I reverse the installed changes? I don't have a lot of time to chase this, I would like a quick fix.
Are these problems connected? -
Hello Everyone,
If you are still facing this issue, kindly get in touch with our Support team via chat or phone so that this can be troubleshooted further.
Thanks for the suggestion, however it did not change anything here for me. The error I get in Chrome is still that the DNS address for a site can't be found. This only occurs if my OpenVPN for work is connected and Freedome is active. I've read that a company VPN is not supposed to work if Freedome is on but everything had worked well together in the last version. If you have access to the last version installer of Freedome may I have the link?
Newest version is a bootle neck for me to, revesed to older and its okay even tried this one without any luck ---->
Hello all,
We just published a new version 1.16 today.
To take it into use, you will simply need to download it and launch the installer on top of your current installation. This version includes a fix for the slow DNS resolving. -
Thansk for the update but it does not solve my issue here. I believe my problem is more specific to the use of a company VPN in conjunction with Freedome. As I mentioned, I am aware that this is not supported and should not work but it had worked perfectly in the version of Freedome preceeding 1.15. I would still like that old installer if anyone can provide it. I have had to stop using Freedome on my work machines as a result of the recent changes and I'd like to get it back to how it was. I'm happy to test any new builds you have but I could use the old installer in the meantime.