WebRTC leaks in Freedome

sp27 Posts: 7 New Member

I really like Freedome VPN but I don't like the IP leaks through WebRTC. I have tried other VPN services like Phantom VPN - No leak through WebRTC and NordVPN - No leak through WebRTC.  If this is possible with these VPN services how come Feedome can't do the same?  I would like to come back to Freedome if this can be resolved.





  • Hi SP,


    We have a detailed article related to WebRTC IP Address leakage and Freedome. You can check the article here.

  • sp27
    sp27 Posts: 7 New Member

    That still doesn't explain how other VPN providers are able to block leaks through WebRTC and Freedome can't.  Also if it leaks my IP through this how is it secure  and anonomys?

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