Banking Protection

TMEllens Posts: 1 New Member

In the UK we are now able to access and modify information relating to Tax, Tax Codes and other very sensitive information. This needs to be every bit as secure as online banking and, relating to identity theft, even more important. Would it not be possible to configure the Banking Protection to activate when accessing the various government online web sites - most done via the WEB address?


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser



    Sorry for my reply. I'm also only F-Secure user (their home solutions).


    I able to think that request with interesting view, but there is also some limitations of this.

    Current design of F-Secure Banking Protection with next points:


    -- if banking/payment website is not rated as 'trigger for Banking Protection session' - possible to use F-Secure SAS: (for re-rate URL for all users).


    -- Banking Protection session (flyer) is system-based. When URL is not valid for 'banking'-rated decisions.


    So, it's work for all browser's tabs and system's network connections (with potential exclusions for 'safe-for-banking' URLs and trusted applications).

    Generally, with your certain situation available workaround: open two tabs (your URL and HTTPS-URL of any banking websites) - banking protection is triggered - so... your system is protected with certain design.


    Valid for any of webpages. No requirements to 'add' website to list (even it already covered; even did not trigger Banking Protection session itself).

    If during Banking Protection sessions -- some of pages/domains/resources are blocked -> possible to use F-Secure SAS with ask as "should not be blocked during Banking Protection session".

