Cannot connect to email servers (send or receive) when VPN is on

ThisPerson Posts: 5 New Member

I've recently started using Freedome and have twice encountered periods of time in which I can't connect to my email servers.  I'm OSX Sierra (Mac Pro) and run the Postbox mail client (Apple mail simply ran out of gas).  I do not use email provided by my ISP, but instead use Fastmail (


I use a secure connection over port 993 and have double, triple and quadruple-checked any firewall and other security settings.  My service is pretty fast.  Even with Freedome on, I get typically 80-90mb speeds.  So I don't think there's any sort of timeout.


This has happened twice in the last week, for periods of about two hours.  When Postbox tries to refresh mail, I see a message that it can't connect.  During this time, I can try a direct telnet connection and it fails as well.  So the problem isn't the mail client.  If I turn off Freedome, mail works fine.  Turn Freedome back on and it fails.  After a couple of hours, mail will work with Freedome on.  BTW, it doesn't matter if I reboot or not.


I've been working with Fastmail on this all week.  I really don't think it's their servers, since everything works fine when Freedome is off. So I really think the finger is pointing at Freedome.


  • Hi ThisPerson,


    I am checking on this with the Freedome team. I will get back to you once I have any update.

  • ThisPerson
    ThisPerson Posts: 5 New Member

    Thank you.  It's been intermittent and only seems to last for a couple of hours. Then it disappears as mysteriously as it appears.  I've been in touch with Fastmail and they assure me that there's no maximum cap on email pulls from a common IP.

  • Hi ThisPerson,


    Could you please try the German location and check if the issue disappears?

  • 92Bubu
    92Bubu Posts: 5 New Member
    Same issue on my side with Apple Mail on my MacBook Pro.

    I followed the setup from F-Secure but it did not work.

    I contacted the support but they could not do nothing neither.

    It is just does not make sense to have to disconnect from a VPN service in order to receive/send emails.

    Just tried NordVPN and I am not facing this issue at all.
    However I would rather to stay with F-Secure as the speed is excellent.
    But if I have to I will sacrifice the speed to get better security and privacy with Nord VPN.
  • Hi @92Bubu,


    Just to confirm, have you tried our German as mentioned above and see if the issue gets resolved? We would appreciate if you have any feedback for that.

  • 92Bubu
    92Bubu Posts: 5 New Member

    Of course but it does not change anything. It is ever worste as Hotmail ou Gmail are panicking because I am logged in from another country.


    This concern is well known on your side and many people are complaining about it on the web.


    I tried most of the VPN on the market to make up my mind and the two I selected are:

    - Freedome

    - NordVPN


    Yours got the best speed but regarding the email issue it is catastrophic.

    I even called the support, "There is nothing we can do, it is a technical problem". Just inccaptable.


    NordVPN is less faster but at least there is not connection issues with my email app. And they even have a Kill Switch like most VPN that you do not offer. A mandatory option regarding a VPN!


    Also, the support regarding website incorrectly rated is inexistant.

    I try to report an issue concerning Bouygues Telecom but I never got any answer and the site is still blocked. Not acceptable neither.

    "Harmful web site blocked

    This web site has been reported as harmful. We recommend that you do not visit this web site."


    In summary, it is a lot of pain to work with Freedome and I am not sure I want to pursue the experience and recommend it on my social networks.

  • Thanks for the detailed feedback, @92Bubu! I will be passing it on to the Freedome team for further investigation.


    Regarding the false positive rating for the website, you could submit the URL to our labs for analysis here. They will analyze the website and rate it accordingly.

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