There should be quick fix for the harmfull website block bug. I cant go to any harmfull site at the

F-secure beta client blocks all the traffic to harmfull sites and the allow button doesnt do anything. There are sometimes websites you need to access due to "error" in the database that it thinks this certain website is harmfull even tho its not.


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Worst point there... that indeed (probably) missing any workarounds.


    Or do you mean that "Allow"-button totally "does not do anything"?

    With my experience - I have related troublepoints and which probably based on things, which noted there:


    Where we can to see strings that "allow/deny lists" not supported by fresh Family Rules. And looks like as result.. there just missing option to use "allow/deny lists" (even if Family Rules disabled).


    With my experience - not possible enter to harmful-rated (or suspicious/restricted) website by allow-button. But... in fact.. using allow-button will trigger "exclude/allow"-action and add certain URL to the list of allow/deny websites (which not work).




    So, one possible workaround (if there indeed false-positive rating) is F-Secure SAS:


    Usually can to take three-four workdays (and it can be much speedy, than fix for situation).

  • Tahvo
    Tahvo Posts: 45 Explorer
    No its a bug with the latest big beta update that arrived and this happens also on my other computer. Basically it doesnt let me browse unsafe sites since the allow button doesnt work on any browser and banking protection launches randomly like when i open twitter or facebook
  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Probably I also talk about this thing (and it also with any of my Windows devices).


    With my experience - allow button work with meanings that I able to "choose button" and it will "add" URL to the list of allow/deny websites. But this do not provide ability visit "harmful"-rated page - because list of allow/deny websites just ignored by F-Secure (and looks like that there not available to use any workarounds).


    As example - I able to visit "denied by me" website (which should be restricted/denied). this is also based on such trouble (like this situation when we do not able to enter harmful-rated page, which we allowed).


    Or you mean something another (where button - just not possible to click/choose at all)?



    And about Banking Protection - do you able to give URLs for twitter/facebook - which trigger Banking Protection? Just interesting to re-check with my experience.

  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 582 Superuser
    "harmful website" should be interpreted as "considered as harmful by F-S" as my own experience shows, some sites are flagged harmful without any reason.
  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    I have to add: that with "not visible reasons". Because by somewhat reasons anyway. :)


    I still think that most of false-positives about harmful-ratings comes from kind of "common databases" and based on certain "resource/page" under domain (or website), which will trigger this rating for full website.


    And just F-Secure SAS most briefly "fix"; But with all (?! or most of them) my tries and experience about transferring certain URL for re-rate: I did not receive explanation about "why it was harmful" (except meanings "just randomly"). But, at least, for some of URLs - which I re-ask multiple times (because it was too much strange situation and with a lot of additions) - I get explanation/response that it was based on "exploit"-actions.

    For example, if there we able to "upload files" (it can be harmful; so direct URL for downloading file or special-malicious sharing should be marked as harmful.. automatically or not);


    But also possible that website hacked or with vulnerabilities and possibilities to do certain attack (cross-site scripting, for example); Someone able to do exploiting well-known and good websites with special crafted URLs (which will be as "exploit" for redirect or drive-by; or other possibilities to do something harmful/malicious - including trick/hack this service/website or user's account);


    So - such "exploit/trick" URLs (or URLs, which randomly used by malicious/harmful activities) can be added to databases about web-threats or detected automatically as suspicious points (there can be also... if malicious file will trigger communication with certain IP or domain, which can be safe or not  - so it can be as prevent-action and anyway marked as "suspicious/malicious" , but practically "randomly");


    But I found that current design can be much better, than it was before. At least - more often (and usually after re-rate website) I meet situations, when rating (suspicious/maicious) stay with certain resource/page (which was a reasonable trigger for such rating), but all other pages of websites marked as safe.



  • Mental
    Mental Posts: 3 New Member

    I seem to be having a similar problem. Whenever I open sites that have any kind of transactions available, even just a store page like the front page of the frontier store for Elite Dangerous, a game. Banking protection triggers, except I get no notification. So I don't realize until I notice a cut off connection, and there is no notification with an "end" button.


    This causes my connections to go haywire, steam stops working, most sites stop working completely (including bandcamp, a music store, meaning I can't buy anything from there). Instead I get the "Banking protection is active" page. Neither the "End" nor "Allow web site" buttons do anything. I click them, nothing happens.


    The only way I have found to succesfully turn off banking protection after it triggers is to reboot my PC. Which is mildly inconvenient, did it happen only sometimes,  but since banking protection triggers as soon as I have a tab open to any kind of webstore it is a daily occurrance. Restarting my desktop all the time just to use it normally is a tad annoying.


    I tried disabling banking protection from family rules. It stays on.

    I tried disabling and reenabling fs protection. But something goes seriusly wrong when you try to do this while banking protection is active. The whole PC goes nuts, programs stop responding, task manager can only be interacted with via keyboard, and reboot/shut down button in the start menu stops working, forcing me to use the physical reset button.


    Edit: Just happened again, but this time I was able to get rid of banking protection by disabling fs protection and reenabling it, meaning I didn't have to reboot.

  • Tahvo
    Tahvo Posts: 45 Explorer
    Anyone else having issue going to "unsafe" sites due to F-secure blocking it and the button not allowing us going there?

    Second issue i keep getting banking protection randomly popping up and blocking some of my other wep access
  • Unfortunately, the fix is still in the pipeline. As such, this bug will be an inconvenience for a while longer. Our apologies for this inconvenience.


    In order to lessen the inconvenience though, let's provide a quicker solution to your issue. Please submit the offending URL in SAS: and tick the checkbox to give more details.


    Under URL type put: "Harmless webpage is blocked (False Positive)"

    Under problem type, put the appropriate functionality that blocked it


    Then after you have created the report, you will receive an email where the ticket number is in the subject. You can paste the ticket number here and we can check the URL as soon as we get it.

  • @Tahvo: If you have already submitted the offending URL/s, would you post the ticket number here? It would be good if we can get it before the weekend, as during the weekend the cases would go to our 24/7 support who would have more than enough to chew and the processing could be delayed.

  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    My work around is to try to access such a site with another PC that has a different F-S product or malware protection from another supplier. The last resort is to disable F-S which requires a lot of consideration as then anything could come through.

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