Game mode?

Not that I know.
F-Secures intention is to not interfere with any application/game. If you still have a game/Application that shows bad performance with F-Secure on, it should be investigated.
Exclusions on certain files or folders might help.
Maybe it would be a good idea to have a board in this community for games. One topic per game.
I have also noticed a HUGE performance issue while running World Of Warcraf and F-Secure. While running the game, I check performance spikes in the F-Secure program and notice it jump every now and then which will cause the game to lock up / not respond. This is the main reason I dropped Nortons.
WoW did not show any noticiable delays or other performance issues with F-Secure.
What are you system specs?
Do you allow P2P-download while playing?
What Addons do you use?
What other software is running in the background?
Please start the game,
note down the exact system time when you notice the issue.
switch do desktop and create a fsdiag, while WoW is running.
Open a support case and post the received SR-ID here for reference.
I run a 2.6g Quad Core, 8g Ram with a 2g ATI Crossfire. I've been playing WoW since Beta and noticed these types of issues with Nortons. I tested with and without addons and only had mild improvements with the addons off. Key word being "Mild". Typically, the only other program I have running would be a browser (Chrome or Firefox .. never IE). I'm not saying that the entire game play is messed up, just that randomly, there will be lock ups periodically that I haven't had since I got rid of Nortons.
The AV program that I used before this beta was AVG Pro.
Vista Ultimate 64...
Hm... There is lots on "VISTA short freeze" "Vista hangs" "Vista hickup" in the net. Any AV-Software integrates heavily with kernel and drivers and puts some additional cycles on each function call. But these additional cycles can cause timeouts in the driver code, just because they were too small. Without the AV these "delays" do not occur and the system seems to work smoothly. So the AV becomes a magnifier for a problem located somewhere else.
Check this as well:
So complete updates/reinstall from BIOS to drivers with hardware check might help. I'd start with BIOS and Video driver. BTW: sometimes there is even a new firmware for HDDs available to improve performance.
In any case do not forget the F-Secure tests I submited before, but on a 4-core this should not happen.
after 1½ years of thinking ;-), we are finally bringing the gaming mode to IS releases. First version of the gaming mode was released today in ISTP release 79. So if you want to try it out go to and install the ISTP 79 release.