"Turn On Firewall" flag on Windows startup

Since the last FSP upgrade, I've been getting a flag from FS at each startup saying my Firewall is switched off. The flag then goes away after a few seconds, and the Firewall appears to be on and functioning correctly. This has been happening on both my Windows 7 and Windows 10 machines. Is anyone else seeing this?
My experience based only on two Windows 10 systems (one of them with latest 1703 Windows Creator Update); I get this Firewall prompt practically each launch my system (or restart).
One system I not often to use - but all three/four "launches" comes with this notification.
Another system I do not restart too much often and there was just six "notifications" (but this not all times, when I restart / turn off-turn on current system). And this is most of my "restarts system".
As example - some hours how I restart this system and there was missing notification about "firewall disabled" - but I also able to see that some of Family Rules features disabled OR at least - some of pages just do not blocked (which usually will be blocked). Still - not sure if it related (I time to time - have experience when Family Rules Content blocker do not work... and Security Cloud with 'connected'-status).
So, my "answer" about "Is anyone else seeing this?" - yes (at least - it valid for my experience too).
So, I just did else one restart. System loaded - notification prompted about "Windows disabled". And his certain URLs (which usually blocked as Family Rules Content Blocker), which not blocked (at visit) before restart - will blocked (at visit) after restart.
Sorry for my worst English.