Banking Protection Settings - Do not interupt my active internet connection

When you click on the icon for FS Protection & the main box comes up & you click on "Settings" the go to Banking Protection(where it can be turned on or off). Under the paragraph there, there's a box that's checked next to what says ... Do not interupt my active internet connection. Could you please explain to me what this is for/what it does? I was looking through the settings & this box is checked. I was wonder what it does? Because some times the banking protection doesn't activate on some of the site I pay bills on(that it used to a while ago). I was wondering if it meant not to interupt the connection with the Banking Protection(in other words don't activate the Banking Protection), or if it meant not to interupt the connection while the Banking Protection is activated.
Also, does the Banking Protection activate for shopping sites when you are buying things using your banking accout info or credit card info? It would be great if it did. I don't remember it activating the past several times I made a purchase online though.
If you could please tell me what that checked box is for? The one that says .... Do not interupt my active internet connection. I'd really appreciate it.
Thank you very much,
Sorry for my reply.
And sorry that this is probably long reply.
You able to ignore my suggestion. I think that there can be official response by F-Secure Team and you able to get this. I just decided to add my suggestions/words about your ask for time - while there is missing proper response.Partly there available description under Online Help/Documentation (you able to open it from installation UI too; as "build-in" Help):
Where this option have next words:
If you want to keep your current connections open, select Do not interrupt my active Internet connections.
When you access your bank's web site or make online payments, Banking protection activates and blocks all connections that are not necessary for online banking. This means that it closes all your current Internet connections as well unless you select this setting.---
Mainly it should work for applications under system.
Interesting point that probably with previous TP-builds it was unchecked by default.
But, yes, with my experience it also checked!
So maybe there can be changes to design of this feature. If yes - sorry for my next words.
Previously this feature work as something like:
--> You have some software/applications running at the system-background;
It can be with established network connection (if required for provide features).
--> When Banking Protection activated - it will restrict fresh network connection and break some established/active network connections.
There allowed some of "trusted" applications, services and software - which not restricted/blocked for fresh connections.
And also it possible to "save" active network connection (that was there before BP-activated) for certain potentially trusted applications (or maybe for all);
you also able to re-check "design" of Banking protection with this URL (knownledgebase):
So, it not about "activating" Banking Protection - but about "allowing" certain applications/active network connections during Banking Protection session; And still "restrict" some of fresh (not trusted) network connection tries.
About "shopping sites" - how I can to remember by official design - shopping sites should not trigger Banking Protection; At least with steps - where you do not work with certain Payment-system or Bank-pages;
But you able to activate "specially" Banking Protection with certain banking website and than work with shopping websites.
When Banking Protection triggered it work for all system/browsers and it will provide security features for each tab / current-browser session. this is more like workaround.
As example. If shopping-site did not trigger BP-flyer - you able to do next steps:
--> Open "" (as example of Bank URL-website); And it will trigger BP-flyer;
--> Open second tab under browser with "shopping"-site (it can be blocked - you able to allow access maybe) and all features of Banking Protection will be there. But it can to create some of "troubles" - if certain resources will be blocked under the shopping site (if it will be marked as not safe for banking by F-Secure Security Cloud);
About websites, which should trigger Banking Protection (flyer) - but did not that - you able to transfer them to F-Secure SAS:
you able to check ""I want to give more details about this sample and to be notified of the analysis results"";
and choose categories like: "BP-related trouble" -> "BP does not activated at opening site";
But you have to re-check that you open this website by supported browsers and website work under HTTPS (and that it not launched during try to login for bank account or something like that);