My blog is rated harmfull

RikasErakko Posts: 2 Observer

My blog (created using blogger) is marked harmful.

It is standard Blogger site so I'm sure there nothing harmful in my blog.

Could you please fix the rating?


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    With my experience this URL marked as suspicious (or at least - I can see this rating under F-Secure Search / and status-reason for blocking page with F-Secure SAFE/IS solutions);

    Maybe with F-Secure Freedome there not visible difference between harmful and suspicious block-pages (but this "ratings/reputation" about different situations).


    If just search with Google about your blog URL-query  - there some of websites, where your (?! or not) website maybe randomly marked as "with strange content". And maybe this knowledge goes to be under some of "databases" which F-Secure also able to use (or if someone transferred URL directly to F-Secure Lab);


    If you sure that all OK with content - with such situations you able to transfer URL for re-rate website (or get response - if there reasons for save current reputation/rating/status).

    F-Secure SAS:


    --> You able to choose there option "I want to give more details about this sample and to be notified of the analysis results" and choose related category (like "harmless page is blocked; f/p);


    With my experience response can be after three-four work-days.


    Sorry for my reply.



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