
CW_Lau Posts: 2 New Member

I'm a totally blind user and required a screen reader software called Jaws to access Windows-based PC. I've downloaded freedome software from your web site and tried to install it. When it was executed the exe file, my screen reader Jaws was unable to to read what instructions appeared on the screen. Therefore, I could not install your freedome. I should be grateful if you would include accessibility in your next release in the benefits of the blind comunity. Then, I'm able to use or subscribe the service of your software. Thanks.


  • Hi CW_Lau,


    Thanks for letting us know about your situation. I will let the Product team know about your feedback. If there is an update, I will keep you posted.


    Sorry for this inconvenience.

  • CW_Lau
    CW_Lau Posts: 2 New Member
    Hi Laksh,

    Thank you for your follow-up.
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