Add a "Check for updates" to F-Secure Key

Could you please add a "Check for updates" option to the PC version of Key? I guess Key is supposed to check for updates automatically but it doesn't seem to work that well.

Maybe a couple of months ago I started wondering because Key hadn't got updates for months. I downloaded the latest available version from F-Secure's website and then installed it. After that I checked the version of the newly installed Key and that was totally different/newer than what the previous version of Key on my PC was.


I'm not sure if that's a bug but still, I think it would be nice to be able to check for new updates manually (and straight from Key). Just in case the auto-update doesn't work etc.


  • Wow, six likes! :) I still don't get update notifications on Key (Windows), at least not every time there is a new update available. I still check for new updates by downloading and installing the latest version from F-Secure's website and then I check the version number on Key. Just out of curiosity I'd like to have an answer for following: 1. Is there an intentional reason why Key doesn't ALWAYS notify user(s) about new updates? (2. This might be off-topic, but does F-Secure check this "Feature Request" section? There are many requests made for a long time ago and their status is still "New idea".)
  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Sorry for my reply.

    I'm also only F-Secure user and not an official F-Secure Staff.

    But based on points from your second ask :) I decided to create this reply.


    There was explanation that F-Secure Key automatically do notification/autoinstall-flow only about Critical updates. When F-Secure Key Team do not think that some of updates are critical to be installed -> F-Secure Key do not create notification about "Updates are available". Even -> I'm not sure how it works.


    About second ask: most likely they do this. but I'm not sure about 'result' of such (and even more -> not clear why it not possible to do more often or, at least, one-time clean up currently). At least, even F-Secure Community with such board/features --> F-Secure SENSE team decided to create feature-requests handling by 'topic':

