How secure is Freedome?

Pizzaman Posts: 4 New Member

I did a check to probe ports on GRC which connected my laptop to the site using a mobile hotspot and over a 4G mobile connection, with Freedome disabled. All my ports appeared to be stealthed by my laptop firewall, cool !


Running the same check but with Freedome enabled the result was port 443 was open and many ports were closed but not stealthed.


Comparing the two scenarios, am I less secure / more open to hackers due to un-stealthed ports ?


Thanks for insightful comments.


  • Hi Pizzaman,


    When you are doing such port tests that GRC has with Freedome on, you are testing only the Freedome gateway which you are using. GRC’s tests and other similar tests don’t produce meaningful results with VPN products like Freedome. There is a related post which has more information here.

  • Pizzaman
    Pizzaman Posts: 4 New Member

    That is helpful to know, but those open ports are tunnels through to my PC along which hackers can attempt to gain access. I guess my question should be, how does a firewall deal with a VPN, does it stealth or close those ports, or not, and how do I find out via a simple test rather than figuring out a whole pile of firewalls rules. Networking is horribly complex, I wish it could be simpler to figure these things out.

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