Fredome F-Secure and BullGuard Internet Security 2017

WikiMu Posts: 7 New Member

Hi everybody,


I'm using F-Secure some weeks together with AVAST Premier Antivirus program with no problems.


Now I changed from AVAST to BullGuard Internet Security 2017 and from that moment I get always blocked internet browsers "access not allowed" and this procedure prevents from using the internet almost completely. Setting F-Secure to "off" it all works without any problem.


I think I have to start on F-Secure but where?


Thanks your any idea




  • Hi WikiMu,


    Please try the following steps to narrow down on this issue:

    1.  Are you able to connect to the internet when Freedome is on and Bull Guard IS 2017 is turned off?

    2. Have you tried to change locations in Freedome and see if it works?

    3. Does the error occur with all browsers/webpages?


    Please share with us the exact error message in the browser as a screenshot.


  • WikiMu
    WikiMu Posts: 7 New Member

    Thank your for your instant response.


    To your questions:


    I'm always reaching the internet even turned on F-Secure and BullGuard but it changes from time to time choosing a new inernet address. Then there's no error indicated but the procedure freezes; after turning F-Secure "off" it runs again. It occurs with all my browsers like Edge for WIN10, Firefox and Google.


    Now I detected starting Outlook 2010:  F-Secure "on" outlook freezes during downloading all outlook accounts. Error indicated: "Übertragungsfehler" means any blockade while data exchange.


    F-Secure turning to "off" and new start of outlook with no problems.


    The same procedure while BullGuard Antivirus off, BullGuard Firewall off and finally both BullGuard off. There's no difference; F-Secure off outlook runs, F-Secure on outlook connection blocked.


    My Windows Version is WINDOWS 10 professional. 


    I'm using the same version of outlook on my notebook and Windwosw10 home.

    Outlook starts with no problems while F-Secure is turned on, but the internet shows the same kind of freezing:  an "empty page" is indicated on both computers.


    I hope this could be helpful and thanks for your support




  • Hi WikerH,


    Regarding your Outlook issue and Freedome, there is a KB article here. Please have a look.


    Regarding the browsers, when does the page freeze? Does it freeze when loading the webpage always? Or does the issue occur from time to time?

  • WikiMu
    WikiMu Posts: 7 New Member

    Hi Laksh,

    thanks for your information.


    I'm using smtp 465 for secure email after changing the traffic about two years ago in germany. 

    This article explains sending emails by outlook and doesn't fit the problem. I don't have traffic weather in or out - no connection using F-Secure.


    I startet the Edge-browser tody choosing already used and known addresses and there was no blockade but it took quite along time to get screen loaded - might be 1 - 3 minutes.

    Error indication  "no access to this page"  even trying to start your platform to solve this problem. F-Secure out - no problem any more.

    I'll add a screenshot but this won't show you more tan I'm explaining. - sorry no entry to add found - 


    Thanks and have a nice weekend.




  • Hi WikerH,


    Regarding the Outlook issue, I am checking with the team. I will get back to you soon with more information.


    The slow web page issue might be related to the Bullguard IS. Could you please turn off Bullguard IS and keep Freedome on and see if the slowness disappears?
    What virtual location are you using currently when the slowness is reported? Does the slowness disappear if you change to any other location?
    Also, are you using BitTorrent or any other similar P2P file sharing on your computer when the slowness is reported?

  • WikiMu
    WikiMu Posts: 7 New Member

    Hi Laksh, Outlook issue - I'm waiting as you proposed. Slow page issue there's no problem at all with no installation of BullGuard IS - I tryed it before 2nd installation - 

    You can turn parts of BullGuard off or all parts at the same time off, there's only the slow down or break together with f-secure turned on.

    Using AVAST Premier before Bullguard there was no problem too.

    Turning f-secure off it works properly.


    The virtual location was all the time Germany: Falkenstein. Now I switched to Paris and sweden and back to falkenstein and at the moment it's running without problems. - I'll try to observe this point with changing locations next days.


    I'm using only GoodSync synchronization of two pc via internet. I turned it now on and while running there's no difference. 


    I think it's best to watch my steps and we share our informations in a couple of days!


    Thank for your support







  • Hi WikerH,


    I will send you a PM regarding the Outlook issue.



  • WikiMu
    WikiMu Posts: 7 New Member

    Hi Laksh,


    thank you for your new solution I already changed the openvpn.exe and startet outlook and as browsers Edge, Firefox and Google. 


    Outlook seems to work properly in serveral cases I tryed now.


    Using the browsers first it blocked again and after running Windows problem repair tool  and solving problem "No communiction with item or. resource (primary DNS-server) possible " all browsers are working properly.


    Please give me a couple of days to watch if it will stay o.k. after new starts and copying to the other Windows10 pc. (I think on android tablet it's not affordable).


    I'll send you a short report.


    Thank you very much for your efforts and have a great time





  • Glad to know about the results, WikiMu! Yes, I will watch for your feedback after a few days so I can report it to the product team.

  • WikiMu
    WikiMu Posts: 7 New Member

    Hello Laksh,


    "here are the results of the German jury" like the procedure in european song contests.


    - Outlook - mostly without a problem, some new outlook starts and then it works -that's accetable and I'm not sure if it's a problem together with F-Secure. I can't and I don't want to investigate all the time.


    - Windows internet browsers - sometimes it works propperly and then unexspectedly the same probleme: "empty screen" or "no access to this site" - actually I took a screenshot of the edge protocol  trying to find the right step to a solution.


    Have a nice weekend




    P.S. I couldn't fin out how to enhance my taken screenshot. Sorry! 



  • Hi WikiMu,


    Thanks for your feedback, it has been passed to our Freedome team.


    Regarding the pictures, if it is the attachment of pictures you are referring to, then you can follow these steps > hit reply to the post > click Photos > Choose files > Click Done to upload.

  • WikiMu
    WikiMu Posts: 7 New Member

    Hi Laksh,


    I only can find "insert/edit image"  but there's no option photo anywhere.


    Today I turned F-Secure off, because I wasn't able to participate on a webinar and open different pages. 


    It takes a lot of time to find a solution but searching for a normal possibility to upload a screen shot it shouldn't be so complicated.


    Thanks for your support




  • Hi Bullseye,


    As you had mentioned in your previous post - "You can turn parts of BullGuard off or all parts at the same time off, there's only the slow down or break together with f-secure turned on." - does the browser issue disappear if you turn off BullGuard AV with Freedome on? If yes, you might want to check with BullGuard as this issue might be related to them. You had mentioned that there was no issue previously with Avast AV with Freedome on.


    Regarding the uploading of photos, I am sharing some screenshots of how to attach photos in a post. Please refer below:



     Once you click reply to a post, you will see the option Photos (as above).



     Click Photos and you will be able to choose files to upload. Click DONE when finished.


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