Looks like Sky are blocking VPN

Hi thanks for the advice but already tried this and no luck. I temporarily tried Tunnelbear vpn and this still works. I can only assume Sky are latching on to the endpoint IPs and are building up a database of these, I believe TB change the IPs regularly and Sky have not caught up eith these yet.. BT sport already manage to block due to the fact you have to have your ipones location enabled even though you have the vpn enabled. Doh!
Hi T3chno I'm having similar problems as well.
I think you are somewhat correct on the matter but regarding your assumption about Sky latching on endpoint IPs, I don't know much about that but I do know TunnelBear has this unique feature GhostBear like a handful of other sophisticated VPN Servies that offer it but under a different name which esesntially 'Defeats VPN blocking with GhostBear. Make your encrypted VPN data less detectable to governments, businesses and ISPs.'
Other similar soulutions have such a brillaint feature like it and rename relating it to word concealing so something abiguous like Scramble, Chameleon, GhostBear. It's esentially modified to prevent Deep Packet Ispection (DPI) I think.
So it may not be due to TB changing IP often. I just didn't get your statement about SkySport.
Considering my prevoius statement, I've tested Kaspersky's VPN and that works fine, surprisingly they don't have a any unique fetaure set to tackle blocking to my understanding though, so to be honest I don't what that actual issue may be.
Seeing as we're all comlaining about the same ISP, I think we can agree they've deployed something across there servers.
Hi Monte,
We have limited possibilities to prevent external 3rd party from blocking us. There are multiple ways how such blocking can be done. For instance, should someone want to block connections coming from our network addresses in their firewall, they are completely free to do so, and they do not need our permission to do that.
There is a post in the Sky forum about Sky and Freedome here.
We expect customers to respect the terms of third-party services that they access via our services. The Terms of Service for F-Secure Freedome can be found here: https://www.f-secure.com/en/web/legal_global/terms/freedome. Our Freedome application provides a safe and private access to the Internet, regardless where you connect from. It protects against “man-in-the-middle” attacks and securely encrypts your connection. Freedome also blocks trackers, prevents access to malicious web sites and gives you the ability to select virtual locations around the world.