vpn NO CONNECTION with internet when VPN is on

I am having the same problem. It has been fine until today. It makes no difference which location I connect to - as long as Freedome is ON then I can't connect to the internet from the PC.
Interestingly I have Freedome on my Android phone and this works fine.
Nothing has changed on the PC (that it has told me about!) so why does it not work now?
Hi,before updating Freedome 2 days ago I didn't have any problems.
now the problem is all time.
There's no connection using the browsers Mozilla Firefox,Opera,Google Chrome but if I use a browser Microsoft Edge the internet works with VPN on.
Ive tried the different locations and no any positive results!
It's happening on a PC with Windows.
also Ive done all possible solutions from How-to& FAQs it didn't help!
Hi,before upgrading Freedome 2 days ago I didn't have any problems.
I use it on a PC with Windows 10 and using the browsers Mozilla Firefox,Opera,Google Chrome with VPNis on the internet doesn't work as it used to be! But! using the browser Microsoft Edge the internet runs but slowly! Ive tried the different locations there is no positive result. Also Ive tried all possible solutions from How-to & FAQs the internet doesn't work!
Hi. I have Kaspersky Internet Security running but not Kaspersky Secure Connection.
I do not have any further pending Windows updates - however, everything was fine until the Windows Update last week... Freedome has stopped working since that Windows update.
For info, I had Kaspersky running before and after the Windows Update.
Same problems here. I am using freedome for a few weeks now. At the beginning everything worked fine. But for the last week the internet connection is very slow, sometimes completely down while using the VPN. Changing the country did not help. Switching off the virus scanner (Kaspersky Internet Security 17) neither. I reinstalled the programme, nothing changed.
I had the same issue. I deinstalled all Kaspersky softwares (anti virus and internet security) and downloaded KIS 2016....The problem is the new update from Kasperskys Software! Just deinstall your kaspersky software and install this older version: https://support.kaspersky.com/de/kis2016
Worked for me!:) Hope you all get it goingcya
Shouldn't have to uninstall KIS and install an older version... that would be like uninstalling Windows Security updates to get something working... you could open yourself up for something nasty.
I'm guessing it could be a setting in the new version of KIS that we might be able to configure but have no idea what.
This needs to be addressed though, don't want to be rolling back to older and potentially less secure versions of KIS.
I have no idea what has happened but I have just tried turning Freedome back on and I can connect to the internet again. As far as I am aware there haven't been any Windows updates but there could have been an automatic Kaspersky update that fixed this.
I will monitor but interested to know if anyone else has noticed the same... or if Freedome can actually report back to us on what the actual problem is.
There has been no feedback at all about how to fix this permanently... not that I have seen anyway. It appears to have "just started working again" on my PC and that is without turning off or uninstalling KIS. I'm not sure what has been going on. I am obviously glad it is working again but it seems "brittle" and likely to stop working with out any notice...