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I tested on-demand vpns for iOS. Maybe the Freedome team should consider to change the protocoll from IPSec to IKEv2, because the wifi dropouts will not occur after that.
Hi D-Fens2,
I will forward your feedback to our Freedome and get back to you if there is any further update on this.
do you have any news?
right now you can't just leave freedome active all the time, because after some time it only appears to be enabled, but no data will be transfered
There is no new udpate on this. This is still being checked by the Freedome team.
thank you for the update.
an interesting read:
There is an update: our Freedome team informed me that they are actively working on adding IKEv2 to the product very soon. There is no timeframe yet.
Hi Laksh,
thank you for the update, that are great news!