How to activate Code for F-Secure Total Security und VPN - 2 years / 3 devices from Amazon

I have bought a Code for F-Secure Total Security and VPN - 2 years / 3 devices from How can I activate this code? I created already 2 accounts , but I was not able to install the right package. On my PC is now SAVE installed and I am not able to use my code from Amazon. Please can you help me? The information from Amazon how to install seems to be not correct.
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FÜR TOTAL SECURITY UND VPN-BENUTZER Sie sind neu bei F-Secure? Erstellen Sie ganz einfach ein neues "My F-Secure"-Konto: 1. Öffnen Sie den folgenden Link, um ein "My F-Secure"-Konto zu erstellen: URL: 2. Erstellen Sie Ihr Konto. 3. Geben Sie Ihren Abonnementcode ein. 4. Wählen Sie "Gerät hinzufügen" und wählen Sie aus, wie Sie das Installationsprogramm erhalten möchten (Download, Link in einer E-Mail oder SMS) 5. Laden Sie das Installationsprogramm herunter und führen Sie die Installation auf dem Gerät durch. 6. Sie erhalten eine E-Mail mit der Anweisung zur Installation von F-Secure Freedome. Sobald die Installation abgeschlossen ist, werden Sie aufgefordert, sich mit Ihren My F-Secure-Konto anzumelden.
Sorry for my reply. I also just F-Secure user.
Not sure that there is possible to register two accounts with one subscription/license.
So maybe can be ask:
--> Do you have experience about step, when you asked to type your subscription/license?
your provided URL (or directly: ) with my experience work like that:
--> I fill the forms and enter.
--> pop-up ask me to add "subscription".
OR if you already have account, but subscription not activated there - maybe you able to re-check "payment/order"-tab ; maybe there can be available buttons/options like "add subscription" (where campaign-name will be as "totalbox").
If you mean that you have account with activated subscription already, but you get just F-Secure SAFE under your desktop. So situation can be valid, because "F-Secure Total Security and Privacy" about two solutions: F-Secure SAFE and F-Secure Freedome. And you have to install both of them (if you want to use both software)
When you login to My F-Secure Account (not sure which URL can be valid - but you able to switch for My Account from F-Secure pages or maybe mail-letters have direct URLs) - > but it same place, where you able get installer for F-Secure SAFE.
There should be also "tab" about F-Secure Freedome (VPN) - where will be link for installer (or it can be under the mail-address as greeting-letter by F-Secure) Freedome/VPN.
When you install it - you will be asked for the credentials (My F-Secure Account). And after that - there will be activation for F-Secure Freedome VPN.
Mainly you able to re-chec this Knowledgebase article:
And maybe there can be response from F-Secure Team with work-week days. So, sorry for my current reply.
The steps @Ukko provided are correct, if you wish to create a F-Secure Total account. However, if you find that the code is not accepted, then it is possible that you have created a F-Secure Safe account. The 2 types of accounts look the same, but because Total also includes Freedome, then it is not possible to use a Total code if you have a Safe account.
I can see that this has been moved to support, where we have the option to look up the account and also check the code.