Freedome cut off my internet connection

Mosquito Posts: 1 New Member

I just downloaded fredsommelige and now my internet doesn't work at all. I've tried different wifi's and nothing is working. It's just spinning saying Connecting. 


  • MosquitoL
    MosquitoL Posts: 5 New Member

    It's got something to do with the changing of DNS on my computer. Freedome seems to be changing the settings so I can't get online. I had to uninstall Freedome and put the old settings back but I would like to be able to use Freedome so what can I do? 

  • Tapsucca
    Tapsucca Posts: 499 Former F-Secure Employee

    Hi @MosquitoL and thank you for your message.


    In this case I would recommend you to contact our chat-support:



    In there we could take a remote connection to your computer and see if we are able to fix the issue right away and if not we need to collect some diagnostics for further investigation.

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