Download Problems in Windows 7 (WhatismyIP shows IP6 Adress)

I have a total of 6 Freedome subscriptions, 4 x IOS, 1 x Windows 10 and 1 x Windows 7. The 2 Windows subscriptions are running on the same PC in a Dualboot setup. There is no problem with Freedome ON except the following major problem on Windows 7:
Whenever I start a larger file download, the download stops at some point, mainly towards the end and does not resume. Only very small files can be downloaded successfully. This is a very annoying problem. The only thing I can do right now is to turn off Freedome, then a download is running normally and completes successfully. For downloading I use a download manager (Internet Download Manager) who opens several connections to speed up downloading. This problem only occurs with Windows 7. In Windows 10 on the same machine downloading with the download manager works fine with Freedome On!
Now I found the following difference between the Freedome On (location is Germany) status in Windows 7 and Windows 10 regarding the returned the public IP addresses from
returned from in Windows 7:
Your IP Address Is:
City: Gunzenhausen
State: Bayern
Country: DE
ISP: Hetzner Online AG
returned from in Windows 10:
Your IP Address Is:
City: Nuremberg
State: Bayern
Country: DE
ISP: F-Secure Corporation
It seems strange that in Windows 7 there is always a IP6 address assigned (the ISP is never F-Secure) whereas in Windows 10 (and IOS) it is always a IP4 address! Could this have anything to do with the downloading problem? And why are the IP assigments different in Windows 7?
I would like to de-install Freedome completely and reinstall it but am not sure what happens with the Licensing. Can I reinstall Freedome safely without jeopardizing the other subscriptions?
I appreciate your help as currently Windows 7 is still my preferred system.
Hi @Windei and thank you for your message.
On Windows you can use the license transfer-function when Freedome indicates all licenses are in use, so you can do a re-installation .
Re-installation is recommended as it will re-set the network settings and might help with the issue.
If that won´t help with the issue I need to consult our Freedome Team regarding this.
Thanks Viite, I did as you suggested. Removed Freedome completely and re-installed it.
Afterwards I was able to download Freedome.exe from your website successfully. The rather small download stopped in the middle for a few seconds but then continued. So the problem with the downloading might be fixed.But the funny thing remains that my public IP returned from still is a IP6 address from an unknown ISP. Today the response is as follows:
Your IP Address Is:
City: Hamburg
State: Hamburg
Country: DE
ISP: Aim Driven SolutionsI would appreciate if you could clarify this with the Freedome Team, as something pretty strange seems to be going on.Thanks a lot for you support.