What Android Apps to pay for or get rid of?

IanV Posts: 2 New Member

I am debating on paying for some of the apps that are currently free in order to better secure my phone. How do I look up what apps are worth paying for or getting rid of from a security and privacy standpoint?


  • Tapsucca
    Tapsucca Posts: 499 Former F-Secure Employee

    Hi @IanV and thank you for your message.


    There are millions of apps in Play-store, so it would be hard to say what apps you should pay and what not.

    You might find useful the ratings which Google is providing for you based on the reviews by customers.


    If you install an app to your Android device F-Secure SAFE automatically scans the application and tells you if it is harmful or not.

    We cant scan those apps before installation process as we dont have access to that data beforehand.


    Please notice it is recommended to install only one virus/securityprotection app on one device.



  • Tapsucca
    Tapsucca Posts: 499 Former F-Secure Employee

    Hi @Ukko and thank you for your great answer!

  • IanV
    IanV Posts: 2 New Member



    Thanks for the advice.

    I already have a scanner on my phone that scans the apps as I download and update them. What my primary concern is that many of these free apps use 3rd party advertisers. Which don't really care about security and privacy therefore possibly creating a "backdoor" into my phone.

    I would like to reduce these backdoors as much as possible.


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