Can't use email address for F-secure account, so can't use the software. How to solve this?

Just bougt software, but can't use it because by starting f-secure account it says email address is already in use. I have one account with another email adresss what starts when I login with the email address I used when I bougt the software. Maybe because my name is the same by both email addresses. I don't know.
What can I do to use the software I bougt with the right email address? Thanks F-secure for this kind of installaltions. Unbelievalbe. I can login wiht old emal adress, but there I don;t see the sofware I bougt, becase of different email adress.
If you raise a Support Ticket, giving your purchase and email account details, I'm sure they will be able help. We can't do anything on the forum, for privacy and security reasons.
Sorry for my ask.
But which certain trouble there?
-> You have subscription-license (like "Secret-Words-Numbers"), which you did by some of steps.
-> You have My F-Secure account with your "main" mail-address, where you do not use any subscription.
If it like that... does there available next options:
--> When you log-in to your My F-Secure account (with your main mail-address) - can be there any tabs/options about "Add subscription" (maybe under the tab "Orders/Payments);
--> If first point not work. What will be if you create fresh account (with other mail-address or tricks) and with your fresh subscription?
Because mainly you maybe just get subscription-license, but not "pinned" to any of mail-addresses yet?
Or your situation means that you did RENEWAL? Or re-purchase subscription under the your account/main mail-address.If it like that - maybe can be helpful "first point".
I have experience, when I just create account with mistake about my mail-address (and was not available to add license-subscription to my main account). So - I able to use my account, but mail-address wrong (I do not have this one). With setting - most likely - required support ticket. and most likely that with this situation it can be helpful. If your situation about this "trouble" - probably you have to use Support Channels indeed.
Sorry for my reply.
Hi and thank you for your message @Rob66,
I agree with @Ukko and @Simon, so in this case it would be best to contact directly to our phone- or chat-support, cause in that way we are able to help you with this matter as fast as possible.
Please note that it is not possible to create a support ticket for us anymore regarding our consumer products, so you must contact via phone or chat.