Using my own DNS

carrerag Posts: 5 Observer

I've noticed that Freedome configures its own DNS settings when it sets up the connection.  This is causing problems on my local network since everything was configured to use my own DNS server on my local network.  Will it cause any problems if I change the DNS settings in Freedome's network configuration to use my own server?


  • Tapsucca
    Tapsucca Posts: 499 Former F-Secure Employee

    Hi @carrerag and thank you for your message.


    It will definentely lead to leaking problems and due to that reason we recommend to use our DNS.



  • MosquitoL
    MosquitoL Posts: 5 New Member

    I have the same problem but can you please describe hos you solved this? I'm not experienced in this so if you could tell what a host file is and how to use it it would be grelt. 



  • carrerag
    carrerag Posts: 5 Observer

    I actually didn't end up doing it that way.  I ended up just turning netbios back on.  But the hosts file would have worked too.  If you want to try it you can edit it and see if it does what you need.  This link explains how to do it better than I could in this post.



  • MosquitoL
    MosquitoL Posts: 5 New Member

    Thank you very much! I'll try that out and maybe come back later to ask what netbios is - so many new things to learn in this field of web security.

  • MosquitoL
    MosquitoL Posts: 5 New Member

    Sorry to bother again but I simply don't know what to write in the host entry....

  • carrerag
    carrerag Posts: 5 Observer

    Well, it would be easier to tell you if I knew what you were trying to do.  As an example though, if you have a workstation with the computer name "Zeke" and it's IP on your network was you would add a line in your hosts file like this:



    You can now access it on the network using the name Zeke instead of using the IP address.

  • MosquitoL
    MosquitoL Posts: 5 New Member

    I'm trying to work around the problem that Freedome is changing the DNS settings and that my wifi doesn't seem to accept I had to uninstall Freedome and re-enter the old DNS-settings. I could of course just use another VPN client but have gotten stubborn and want to solve this problem.

  • carrerag
    carrerag Posts: 5 Observer

    ah ok, that sounds like something different altogether.  I don't think anything in this thread will help with that.  Hope you figure it out.

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