FS Protection PC Release 184

Note: Release 183 was skipped. Previous beta release was 182.


This release contains following applications that combined make the FS Protection PC product:

  • Common Component Framework 2.84.222
  • Antivirus 14.184.101
  • Browsing protection 2.184.5161

New features:


  • New dialog during installation displaying what features you are installing


  • New "App and file control" window for managing quarantined, blocked and excluded applications and files
  • Browsing Protection, Banking Protection and Browser extensions settings have been added to settings UI

Removed features:

Browsing Protection:

  • Browsing Protection, Banking Protection and Browser extensions settings are no longer user specific, and have been removed from Browsing Protection settings UI

Fixed issues:


  • Opening user interface notification icon resolution is bad (CTS-98762)
  • Security Cloud benefits and privacy policy doesn't work (CTS-98711)


  • Computer is not protected. Restart your computer (CTS-98345, SAFE_BUG-01432)
  • Computer Security installation failed (CTS-98524)
  • Virus scan type string mismatches in GUI and scan report (CTS-98666)
  • ZIP archives are not scanned when scanning of all files enabled (CTS-98570, SAFE_BUG-01467)
  • Riskware "Don´t warn" -button text is truncated (CTS-98462)
  • Clicking tray icon while main UI is open centers the main UI to the screen (CTS-98549)
  • Exclusions are not working on long file path (CTS-98377)
  • Command line scanner returns different exit codes (CTS-98628)

Browsing Protection:

  • Rating icons are missing from http search results (CTS-98618)

  • Banking Protection gets stuck and does not close (CTS-98718, SAFE_BUG-01519)

  • Browsing Protection blockpage's allow button does not work, improved fix (CTS-98592, SAFE_BUG-01472)

  • Content blocker has category "Alkoholi and tupakkatobacco" in Finnish (CTS-98843)


  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 582 Superuser

    Hello and thank you

    clean install as smooth as usual, just one question what is a connection to a bank url is supposed visibly to trigger ?


  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    All seems to have installed fine.  I feel a bit guilty seeming to never report any bugs, but I never seem to find any! 


    Just one question, is the "Reinstall Browser Extension" function going to reappear at some point?

  • Ville
    Ville Posts: 753 F-Secure Product Expert



    Don't feel bad, you have been reporting compatibility with Malwarebytes, which I think is very valuable.


    "Reinstall Browser Extension" had a lot of technical problems and was removed. Currently we are not planning bringing it back. Of course if a lot of people feel that the functionality is needed then we can re-consider.




    I'm sorry I didn't understand your question.



    (F-Secure R&D)



    F-Secure R&D, Desktop products

  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 582 Superuser

    Wanted to know if bank protection should pop up some message when it kicks in, sorry for being unclear.

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser



    With regards reinstall browser extension, I guess it depends on what that actually did, and whether the functionality is still required. What happens now, if the browser extension does need to be reinstalled, or is giving problems for some reason?

  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 582 Superuser

    It reinstalled on ffox, no glitch there, no popup whe I go to my bank url

  • Ville
    Ville Posts: 753 F-Secure Product Expert



    The banking protection should work exactly the same way as in previous beta release. Bank triggers the protection as long as it's over HTTPS. Some banks have first pages over HTTP and they don't trigger it, but it worked this way already before.



    (F-Secure R&D)



    F-Secure R&D, Desktop products

  • Pankaj1
    Pankaj1 Posts: 12 Observer



    I have to admit, F-Secure Betas are more stable than some other well known AV suites that I have used. Good job.


    I just have a few GUI related issues to report for now.


    1.) I have a HiDPI screen (4K) and I use Windows 10 with 200% scaling. While most of the F-Secure GUI scales pretty well, The SCAN screen (when I do a right click context scan) or a full system scan is very "BLURRY" and "Low quality". It just looks BAD.


    2.) The F-Secure logo in the "Right click context scan menu" is also very TINY. Itis a small issue but breaks the whole experience in my opinion.




  • Ville
    Ville Posts: 753 F-Secure Product Expert



    Please submit a bug report through the beta portal and attach screenshots of the problems to make it clearer. We prefer bug reports over this community since they allow us to contact you for more information.



    (F-Secure R&D)



    F-Secure R&D, Desktop products

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